Chapter 9

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I wake up to Jessie staring at me she made me jump I never heard her come in "it's morning and time to get up, I spoke to Ryan last night and he assured me that you won't try and escape if we let you out of the room". I nodded my head "I have some chores for you to do today whilst I work you can start by stripping all the beds washing the bedding and put new bedding on all beds she un clips my cable ties and says "follow me" it's the first time I've seen outside of this door I follow her down the stairs and into the large kitchen she shows me where she keeps the cleaning products and work the washing machine "their are five bedrooms here altogether other than the room that's locked I'd like you to change all four other beds", I nod my head again and start with my bedroom I strip the bed, pillowcases and bottom sheet and leave it outside the door, I then try the room next door but that's locked! I take the bedding down and put the first lot in the washing machine and put it on, I then strip two other empty rooms that the bedding didn't even look like it had been slept in and the biggest room which must have been Jessie and Ryan's I took the rest of the dirty bedding down and placed it next to the washing machine. The first load had just finished so I placed this in the tumble dryer and put another load of sheets in the washing machine and turned it on as I stood up  Ryan was standing in the doorway watching me "see that's much better is it rather than being locked in that room" I looked up and nodded then headed back up to my room to start putting on the clean sheets after finishing all the rooms I then headed back down to change the washing over once again last load. I turned around again to see Ryan standing in the doorway "sit down at the table il make you some lunch" I do as he asked I did feel hungry Jessie didn't give me any breakfast this morning and I'd worked up an appetite Ryan places a ham sandwich in front of me and a glass of orange juice I nod at him still not wanting to talk to him he then leaves the room. I wash my plate and glass and finish the last of the washing I iron and fold it and get it put away their was a clock in the kitchen 4.45 it was just starting to get dark out I looked around me no one was in the room I went to the kitchen door to see if it was unlocked just as I went to pull down the handle Jessie walks in "what do you think your doing?", "nothing I'm not doing nothing" I say nervously "you was gonna try to escape", "no I wasn't, honestly i wasn't" Jessie screams "Ryan, get here now!", Ryan runs into the room "what's going on everything ok?", "no it's not, she was trying to escape through the kitchen door!", "Jessie the door is locked you know that", "still she's got it in her mind to escape, take her up to her room and tie her up!", "please no! I won't do it again I promise I was just intrigued that's all", "get her away from me!!" She shouts.
Ryan takes me back to the room "why did you try to escape?, I thought we spoke about this now Jessie is really angry", Jessie storms into the room "strip her!", "what?" Ryan replies, "you heard what I just said strip her now" she shouts Ryan rips my clothes off me "Fuck her", "no she's still sore we agreed every other day", "she needs to learn and the quicker she gets pregnant and has that baby of ours the quicker she can go". I start to cry "no please don't I'm too sore" Ryan looks into my eyes and starts stripping off he climbs in top and straddles me again this time he places two fingers inside my vagina gently he digs them in a little deeper until I'm wet "relax" he whispers to me "it won't be as bad this time" tears roll down my eyes when he enters me I wince where I'm so sore he starts of slow "don't let her enjoy it Ryan just spend your seed will you for fuck sake" Ryan speeds up and thrusts a little harder until he stops and releases inside me. Jessie leaves the room "was that better Cleo?", I shake my head and he pulls out slowly, Jessie comes back in "I'm going to the shop you want anything?", "nah I'm good" Ryan replies back. Ryan unties my hands "come, come with me" I stand up my legs feel like jelly and follow him into the bathroom "I want you too shower with me", he gets in and pulls me in after him "we only have around 20 minutes until she comes back" he grabs my arse cheeks and pulls me in closer to his body lifting my chin up to look at him he kisses me I pull away he again grabs my chin harder this time and kisses me again I say nothing he smiles then puts some soap onto a sponge and washes all my body when he stands back up he stops at my breasts and caresses them he places his mouth around my nipple and sucks it then repeats it too the other one I start to get a bit turned on not wanting him to know but he notices my face change "you like that?" I shake my head and he repeats this again my legs feel like jelly again "turn around and put your hand on the glass I do as I'm told he runs his fingers down my body and stops when he reaches my vagina he starts making circular motions with his fingers then thrusts them in and out faster and faster I start to feel hot and fluster and my legs start shaking he bites my ear gently "just let it go" all of a sudden I cum and can't help the moan escape my mouth he spins me around and again kisses me "see you can enjoy it aswell" he grabs a towel and walks out of the room locking the door behind him I fall to the floor in the shower what was that I can't believe my body reacted to him now he thinks his won what am I gonna do now

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