Chapter 12

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By the time Jessie had got home me and Ryan had done all the housework and I was just finishing up cooking the dinner. Jessie walks in and frowns at me and Ryan, "well this looks cozy" she says looking at both of us. "What's that suppose to mean?" Ryan says back too her, "you just look a little too cozy that's all, you both had a nice day?", she smirks at both of us!
I don't say nothing and Ryan carries on with what his doing, I start to dish up the dinner and lay the table. Ryan and Jessie sit opposite each other and I sit at the end. "How was your mum?" Ryan asks, "Well she's in a lot of pain, hospital says she will be in for at least next two weeks to have physio before she can go home", "That's good then she will be out in no time, are you going back tomorrow?", Jessie stares hard at him then glances over to me, I put my head back down and move the food around on my plate "Why's that?", "I'm just asking that's all!", "well maybe, il see how I feel tomorrow, anyway what have you been up too today?", "Nothing really, me and Cleo just done all the housework", "that reminds me, whilst I was in town I popped into the pharmacy to get some ovulation and pregnancy tests, I thought there isn't much point in you trying to get her pregnant if she's not ovulating then once she is you can do it more better chance that way!", "good idea", Ryan says. I finish my food and stand up to scrap my plate. "Well there's no time like the present!" Jessie says and hands me a ovulation test and a plastic cup, I take them both from her "what do I do with these?", "wee in the cup", she takes the test back off me "and il do the rest", I head to the bathroom and wee in the cup once finished I give the cup to her and she places the strip into it. After a few minutes she says "she's not ovulating, we're re try in a couple days!". Phew I thought couple days break for me!.
I clean the kitchen and wash and dry the dishes placing them back in the cupboards I then head upstairs too my room Ryan and Jessie had already gone to theirs I decide to have a shower and get into some clean pyjamas I then lay on the bed and can't quite switch off so I lay their thinking, thinking of a way to get out of here, I've got to trick him, I've got to make him believe that I really wanna be with him and that I want a child with him this may or may not work but it's my only hope fingers crossed she goes back too see her mum tomorrow then I can start my plan! I turn out my light and get too sleep. 

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