Chapter 28

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Just as Lucy goes to start the car my door opens "Cleo, Cleo is that you?", Ryan asks. I put my head down and look into my lap. "Leave is alone and leave her alone she doesn't want to see you!", "Cleo, please look at me, I'm not gonna hurt you I just want to talk to you", "I said she doesn't want to look at you let alone talk to you!" Lucy says back to him. I look at Lucy "it's ok, il talk to him his not gonna hurt me", I step out of the car and shut the door.
"How have you been?" Ryan asks looking at my eyes staring deep. "What are you doing here? Not trying to pick another girl up I hope?" I say back to him. "No Cleo... of course I'm not I preform here every Friday me and Jessie ain't even together no more we haven't been for months now!", "oh" is all that I can reply "Are you..... Are you pregnant Cleo?" He asks going to place his hand on my stomach I squat it away "Don't touch me!" I say to him "well are you or not?", "Yes... yes I am 8 months pregnant!", I look up to him to see him thinking "is it my baby? Are you having my baby? Omg! Omg! Cleo", "yes... it's your child which you won't be having nothing to do with her!" "A girl? I'm going to have a daughter?", "Ryan I'm gonna go now ok? I'm cold and tired and this isn't the place to talk", "Well can we arrange and talk properly somewhere else another time?", "I don't think that's a good idea Ryan!", "please Cleo, we need to talk", Lucy gets out of the car and I turn to look at her "you ok?" She asks, "yes we're done talking now", "Cleo please, look take my card with my number and phone me, please all I want is to talk with you properly". I take the card "I must go now" he opens the car door for me and says "please, call me" I don't reply!. Lucy gets in the car and starts the engine she asks again if I'm alright I nod "let's go home", she drives us home not saying anything to me.
  "OMFG" I say to her once we get home "what the hell am I gonna do Lucy?" I start to panic, I start to cry, she sits me down and rubs my back "it's gonna be ok Cleo ok he can't hurt you ok", "I know he won't hurt me Lucy, he knows I'm pregnant he's not just gonna forget that", "what do you want to do Cleo?", "I need to meet him, talk to him and explain to him what I want", "and what do you want Cleo?", "I don't know just yet, but I need to decide for sure within the next couple of days, I've got less than a month until this baby girl is due!".
"Cmon, let me run you a nice warm bath" Cleo says I nod my head "your need help getting out of that dress aswell?" I laugh lightly and smile at Lucy "thanks for tonight, I'm sorry it ended the way it did", "don't be silly, this will all soon be sorted". She gets up and goes to run me a bath I take his card out of my bag and just look at it! "It's ready" Lucy calls out. I place the card back in my bag and head upstairs Lucy helps me out of my dress and I thank her shutting the bathroom door behind me I step into the bath and let the tears flow.

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