Finally - Rey

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The base was is disarray. 
Flowers hung from gunships. Chairs from X-Wings served as seats for the assembled crowd: what was left of the resistance. BB8 rolled excitedly through the crowd, and you weren’t sure if it was because this was Poe’s first wedding as General or if it was because of you and Rey. 

You and Rey. 


Today was finally the day.

As you stood in front of the resistance, you had never been happier. Looking into your brides face, at the fatigue and scars you knew were mirrored in your own, there was no place you would rather be. 

Rey’s hands, always warm, squeeze yours three times. I love you.

You squeeze back, listening to Poe ramble about marriage and vows, making the crowd laugh. You had asked for a short, informal ceremony, and you know the man is doing his best. 

“You both wrote your own vows.” he states, handing you the microphone. 

“Well, I guess I’m going first. 

“Rey, I love you. There is no one I trust more than you, no one I can count on more to always do what is right. Even when it drives me absolutely insane, I love that about you. I promise to help you train, work out the knots in your shoulders and not laugh when you complain. Most of the time.” A laugh works it’s way though the crowd, “I promise to protect you, always, even when you don’t need protecting. ”

“My love,” she smiles at you and you melt, “I will cry with you at bad holonet movies, dance badly with you, and laugh at all of your jokes, even if they are terrible.

“You are the love of my life. I feel so unbelievably lucky to get to be with you. I won’t ever let you forget that. Not for a moment, for the rest of our lives.”

“Well, I'm happy I went first.” you joke, wiping the tears from your face.
“You have rings?” Poe looks to you first. 

Out of your pocket, you produce a ring of silver steel, small stars engraved around the band. It may just look like art to some, but Rey knew where it came from.
It was part of the metal of your X-Wing.  The one thing that always brought you to her. “So you always have a part of me with you” you had said. 
You slide it on her finger with the words, “With this ring, everything I am is yours.”

She does the same. Tears begin to fall again as you look down at the ring, recognizing it as the same metal from her new saber. You hear her voice in your mind, “So that, no matter what, we are together.” 

“Okay, you can kiss each other now.” 

You can’t hear the cheer that goes up around you, can’t feel the flowers and leaves colliding with your soft skin from the hands of your friends. All you know in this moment is her lips on yours. 

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Rey X Fem!Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now