Inky Darkness

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Rain pourd down from black abyss called a sky, the light from the streetlights and from various other buildings made beautiful patterns of orange and yellow across the ground; strong wind frantically flared about, forcing the rain to move about unpredictably.

It wasn't long now to the meeting, about 2 hours, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Last time we met with the higher beings we couldn't come to an agreement, all I had to do was stand there and keep to myself and let the others do the talking but I still had my doubts. I walked through, with the others, to the meeting room. I took my place and stood near the back of the room with a clear view out of the large window. The meeting room was very grand. It was mostly made of white marble with gold patterns set into the floor using some kind of metal. There were large paintings of people that I didn't recognise adorned in large golden frames as well as a few other decorative items. There were 4 thrones, 3 of them were white and decorated with gold and yellow accents and the 4th one was black with red embellishment. Those thrones where for the higher beings thought the 4th one was never here. I wondered why they were never here, did they not care for this kind of thing? Were they stubborn enough to hold a grudge for something that happened long ago?

My train of thought was interrupted by the ambassadors arriving and taking there places. The higher beings would be arriving soon and it made me shift uncomfortably, they were imposing and even intimidating figures. I waited patiently and quietly in the back corner of the room where no one seemed to of noticed me, I was thankful for that. I turned my attention to the window and gazed out of it. Rain was splattered all over it and I could see the towering skyscrapers and all the lights that were glittering like tiny jewels held up to a strong light. I saw a few people rushing through the rain but nothing that could hold my interest.

The grand oak doors suddenly swung open, making me jump in surprise and there they were. The higher beings. I was frozen in place as fear ran through my veins. The first one to walk in was the Pale King, he was the shortest of all of them and wore a long white flowing robe. His horns were tall and resembled crown and his face was mostly blank, all there was where two black holes,which were his eyes, and nothing else. The second one to walk in was the white lady and she was much taller than the Pale king, she wore a long slate grey dress that dragged alone the floor. She didn't have any hair, instead she had glowing white antlers that almost looked like the branches of a tree. Her eyes were a soft, faded blue and she had a gental expression and no sharp edges. The third one was the Radiance, she was a tall, intimidating person, she wore a long white dress that had gold and yellow patterns. She had moth wings neatly folded against her back and had a sharp, 3 pronged crown resting on her head... but...

everyone was silent.

So was I.

There he was. The 4th higher being. Surrounded in inky darkness

End of chapter.

(I hope you like this. It's a bit weird and experimental but I hope you like. I'll probably do some more later if anyone likes it)

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