Children of the Gods

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Something weighed down on me. Tucked in the soft sheets of my bed, I felt something onto top, like a person? Sitting on me? Tiredly, I opened my eyes. Wincing slightly from the dramatic increase of light that invaded my eyes, I shifted my head to look at the rest of the bed... except I couldn't see it. A curious looking bug was sitting on me!

I shrieked in surprise and they tumbled backwards as I seemingly had startled them quite a lot. Why the hell were they sitting on me!? I took a moment to calm myself down, the bug had scurried to end of the bed and I got a better look at them. Their face was blank and white aside from their empty black eyes, they wore a soft looking grey cloak that was parted down the front revealing a dark body. Their horns were curved and forked at the top. They were very small... perhaps they're a child? We stared intently at each other until the door to my room quickly opened.

"Asha! Are you alright?" my eyes darted over to Qurriel who now had a puzzled expression on his face. Standing beside him were to other bugs that I had not seen before. One was about the same height as Quirrel, they too had a white face with blank black eyes and had smooth looking horns and wore a crimson red cloak. The other towers over both of them, they wore a white cloak that, like the one of the bug sitting on my bed, parted down the front showing off a smilair black body. Their horns were smooth and curved too but there were smaller spikes lining the inside of them.

"Ghost! What are you doing in here?"
Ghost? That was their name? I turned back to the bug sitting on my bed... this was getting awkward. The red cloaked one briskly walked over and grabbed Ghost, pulling him off the bed.

"And what do you think you're doing?!" A stern feminine voice rang out. "
"You cant just sit on them!"
Ghost let out a series of sad chirps, is that how they speak?
"You must forgive him, Ghost was eager to see you and they don't possess the most adept social skills. I am Hornet. You must be the Human Asha Quirrel told us of."

I looked her a bit bewildered, I had barely got a chance to catch up with what was going on.
"Let's take it easy Hornet" Quirrel spoke up. "They've got a lot of adjusting to do so let's go slower"
Sighing in relief from Quirrel coming to my rescue, I was able to relax more and collect my thoughts. I looked over at the bug that had been sitting on me. They're by far smaller than every other bug here and had an embarrassed look on their... face? Shell? I wasn't exactly sure but that wasn't important. While Quirrel and Hornet were bickering over something I reached out for the little bug. Startled, by me placing a hand on their shoulder, they jumped slight but turned to be once regaining their composure.
"Hey, I'm sorry I yelled like that, just wasn't expecting to see you there was all" softly smiling at them seemed to brighten their mood and they let out a series of happier sounding chirps. They climbed back up onto the bed as I pet them on the head, making them purr slightly. I smiled at the cute display until I realized Quirrel and Hornet weren't speaking anymore. Quickly, I looked over at them to find them staring at me and Ghost. Sheepishly, I grinned at them.
"Something wrong?"
"Nothing at all Asha!" Quirrels chirpy attitude sliced through the awkward moment. "Good to see you and Ghost getting along, why dont you get changed? We'll wait for you outside. Come now Ghost, let's give them some privacy"

With that, Ghost hopped off my bed and followed the others out of the room, the door closing behind them with a soft click. That exchange had certainly been something. Reluctantly, I climbed out of the heavenly soft bed and wondered over to the wardrobe in the room. I pulled the handles and the doors easily swung open and revealed clothes that... were very different from human clothes. Why did they like cloaks and robes so much? However, I did eventually pick out an outfit. It consisted of a white robe that diagonally draped across both my shoulders and hid the upper half of my torso and somethings akinded to shirt and leggings? I'm not really sure what they call this stuff but it was going overkill with the white. This stuff would blind someone if where to be in direct sunlight... but then again, Hallownest is underground. I ran my fingers through my soft feeling hair to help straighten it out. I stood in front of the tall mirror that stood by the wardrobe to check how I looked. I felt rather awkward in these clothes, they're worlds different from what you'd find back home. Regardless, I couldn't keep the others waiting much longer, it would be rude.

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