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Shouting,crying,and weeping is all he hears. He looks at his surroundings and see despair upon a small town, blood and stomach acids on the ground, an unbearable smell filling the atmosphere. More shouts can be heard- this was hell and he knew it, what just happened? He sees someone approaching him, it's faint but he can see the person's eyes. Blood red eyes and a menacing smile, almost seems like the person is laughing but can't hear it since he hears church bells taking over his eardrums then-

He woke up.

Desperately trying to regain air in his lungs he grasp his shirt. Still panting he's regaining his vision, what just happened.. he looks at his surroundings. Where is he,where is he..? Oh, he's bedroom, it was only just a dream. He sigh, regaining air he got out of bed and got ready for the day, a quick shower,quick breakfast,took his signature hat,and left. People greeted him,women giggling towards his direction and men proudly shouting his name. They love him, and who could blame him, he is their sheriff after all. "Morn'n Sheriff"
"Good to see you,Sheriff" and so on and so forth. He greeted them back with a full smiles, trying his best to reply to all of them as best as he could until he reach a building. He stops his tracks and looks up at the sign that towards over the building, Police is what he reads. He sign and cursed himself before entering.
"Well I be damn sheriff, those crooks robbed the bank again. If this continues the whole town will be in debt,have you found out who these crooks are before all are lost?" A short man asked, the sheriff looked at him, small but overweight, the thickest mustache he has ever come across in this little town, tons of jewelry on his fingers, a suit, and a top hat to finish him off. No one is dumb enough to mistaken him for a bystander when he in fact is a man of power, he is their mayor.

"You'll have to forgive me sir, but I was unable to do so. Since more bandits coming and going. I'll investigate it right away" the mayor scrunch his face in disgust and spit in a spittoon.
"Damn bandits, damn crooks, damn this town- Smith you need to do your job here cause I won't tolerate any nonsense that's coming from that side of town, let it rot cause those lower classes are dead anyway. Think of the debtors and their situation-the people!" Smith look at his mayor with a calm expression,  now that he thinks about it that part of town is falling apart. With buildings dark and gloomy there is barely anyone alive in there, it may as well as be a ghost town.

"I understand your concern sir, but you see sir, there is a particular bandit that I've been trying to catch you see. She is a threat to that side and soon she will come to the middle class, and not soon after here. I'm only trying to do my job even if I have to save that side. But if you really want me to stay one these parts, I'll rally up my men to do it for me." There was a long pause between them, but soon after the mayor smiled to himself. He told Smith that it was fine with him, they chatted for a bit before Smith's shift actually started. The mayor said his goodbyes to the sheriff and left, not long after his men came over to do their shift. Each men greeted their boss then did their thing. With one sitting on a chair and the rest waiting for something to happen. Nothing productive happens until...

Hey y'all thank you for reading my first chapter (if you really are reading this lol) sorry if I left you on a cliffhanger but I'll work on the next chapter if you guys are interested so far.

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