the first day we met

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Tiffany's pov

I woke up this morning to find my new uniform laid out neatly at the of my bed. I got up out of my bed and got my uniform on. When I walked down stairs mu m and Vaughan were kissing me and floyd both said eww but they just said thanks guys

"If you dont want to be seen with us I guess I should just cancel the dinner reservation" Vaughan said me and floyd looked at each other really confessed

"Oh because its a new start for us all Vaughan said we might as well go out dinner" my mum said me and floyd just shouted thanks.

Justins pov

We pulled up at this random school called waterloo road me and leo were confused in our diffrent uniform to everyone we walked into the school. I stayed outside to see what all the fuss was about. A black shiny car pulled up in the car park and I saw this most beautiful lest girl come out and thats when I saw my dad once again.

Tiffanys pov

I walked out of the car and walked towards the door a boy stood there hot and fit who was this mysterious boy. I heard Vaughan shout justin and thats when I finally knew his name. He was so hot and he wss in a tottaly diffrent uniform to us all I didnt care he is beautiful.

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