why do i hear singing?

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Tinkys pov(don't play music yet)
I was walking in the woods and I hear a bush move and look over to see........nothing......"hmmm...that's weird..."I say as I continue to walk.then something white flew past me...it looked like another tubby I had to kill.my claws came out and I chased it...or...him...around.but then he ran in a different direction.i still followed it.then I walked over to a tree and heard breathing.....then singing.....my tail was down and my ears perked up at the music."I wonder who this is..."I thought to myself.

walten pov
I was near a tree and stopped to calm down from the chase.the screaming from the monster stopped as if I lost it.

Play music uwu
Pick it up.
Pick it u-up
And start again.
You got a second chance.
You couldn't go home.
Escape it all
Its all relevant.
Its just medicine (x2)
You could still be what you want to
You said you were we when I met you
You got a warm heart
You got a beautiful brain
But if to say you break down.
Another medicine.
(Am not typing this part...)
Its just medicine (×2)
You could still be what you want to
You said you were when I met you
You got a warm heart
You got a beautiful brain
But if to say you break down
Another medicine
(Not typing this part)

Its just medicine(×2)

Still waltens pov
After I stopped singing I hear a bush move and turn around to see....tinky winky...... I jumped back but he did not follow."you got a good voice kid..."tinky said. I froze with shock before saying thanks "I have to go tinky!!"I yelled as I ran away from him.but then he started to scream his chasing scream which sounded like...

Look at vid

But then he started to scream his chasing scream which sounded like....

I ran as fast as I could but then I stopped and fell to my knees."I-I NEED MY PILLS!!!"I yelled in a panic as tinkys scream came closer and closer.until he was right behind me.he watched me dig through my bag but I gave up and turned around to see him looking at me...with a worried expression."are you ok?"he asked me."I NEED MY PILLS!!"I yelled."were are they!?"he asked nervously."T-THEIR I-IN M-MY B-BAG!!GRAB THEM FROM IN THEIR AND GIVE THEM TO ME!!..................as fast as you c-can"I chocked out.once he found them he gave one to me which is the normal amount I take when I need them.i took it then got up and felt like I was going to puke...and I did........but it was not normal it was....blood and I didn't stop puking blood cuz my pills after taking one of them make me feel sick so I'm forced to puke the red crimson liquid.i then fell bit before I hit the ground.......tinky caught me."I'm taking you back to the super-dome."said tinky."o-o-ok"I studderd.

tinkys pov
We got back to my home were i had killed dipsy but he was not there,nor was the chainsaw I provided for when the headless piece of shit woke up....any way back to the.....strange white tubby.i've never seen a white tubby before.once I set him down on my bed,I was surprised to see that he was already asleep."awwwwww..."I whispered as the white tubby started shaking in the cold.then......he grabbed my hand to tell me that he was cold so,I got into bed with him and snuggled up against my chest fur which felt like a pillow once I was done it Brushing.when he was up on my chest I heard purring from on my chest which caused me to blush.


Bye for now!!!!

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