Chapter 16

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Jennie's POV

"Ms. Kim. We're here."

A husky voice said as I groaned and slowly fluttered my eyes open.

"Can we please stop the formalities? You've already seen me cry." I rolled my eyes when she chuckled after I said that.

"I guess so. It is from you after all." She says and then got out of the car.

She goes around the car to my door and opens it.


We walked towards the restaurant Soojoo reserved and I immediately thought of why she had to do that.

"It's because she wanted to impress you, Kim." She said and I glared at her.

She looks at me questioningly and I scoffed.

I walked towards the entrance of the restaurant while leaving her there, confused.

"What did I do?" I heard her ask herself and I mentally smiled.

She ran after me while asking me what she did wrong and I just innocently shook my head.

We entered the restaurant while she was still so confused.

"Seriously, what did I do?" She asks once again and I just shrugged.

She gave up and heaved a sigh. We reached the table of our companions while K was pouting.

Yes, we kinda see the lump behind her mask and that indicates that she's pouting.

"What's with her?" Irene points at K who was looking at me back and forth with puppy eyes.

I just rolled my eyes and sat down beside Lisa, who was presently playing with Chaeyoung's puffy cheeks.

Chaeyoung was just letting her do it or was Lisa being ignored 'cuz Chaeyoung was too busy with her phone.

"Chaengie..." Lisa tried to get her attention with her infamous cute pout.

"Lisa, can't you see Chaeyoung's busy with work stuff because your too lazy to do it yourself." Seulgi flicks her forehead 'cuz she was just sitting in front of Lisa.

Lisa just crosses her arms with a huge pout on her lips.

"So... could we order now that these two are here?" Soojoo pointed to me and K who was sitting beside her with a face that indicates she was thinking deeply.

"Sure, Soojoo Unnie." Chae looks up from her phone and beamed.

"Oh, now your interested when it comes to food but not your girlfriend." Lisa sarcastically says with an eye roll.

All of us in the table laughed.

"Um... what's wrong with her?" Chaeyoung pointed to her sulking girlfriend questioningly.

"Oh... it's nothing." I answered with a sly smile and Lisa looked at me in disbelief.

"Why didn't you side on me?!" She mouthed and I innocently smiled.

The others laughed harder while slamming the table and Chaeyoung just looked at everybody like they were crazy and Lisa was fuming in anger.

"That's it! Let's just get some food already!" Lisa slams the table making us silent.

All of us looked at her in surprise and her mood hasn't changed yet which meant that she's serious.

"You gotta calm down, Manoban. I'll do the cooking." K stands up and walks towards Lisa with a smirk.

Lisa backed away and bumped  onto me at the process.

K leaned in and traced her jawline annoyingly slow before backing away with a mischievous smirk.

"You'll be satisfied by then, Manoban."


"Isn't she taking so long at the kitchen?" Lisa asks with a bored tone while poking Chaeyoung's cheeks.

"Your right... she's been there for 30 minutes now. She takes longer than me taking a shower with Seulgi." Irene says bluntly.

We looked at her with surprised expression. Seulgi punched her side and she groans but laughs anyways.

"They really didn't have to know that!!" Seulgi huffs out.

"I felt like they wanted too." Irene shrugs making us facepalm ourselves.

"Who would want that?" Soojoo asks with a soft smile while looking at the couple.

"I don't know." Irene shrugs once again.

We just let out a sigh and waited again.

"A few more minutes without her going out of that door." Irene pointed to the door which K entered in. "I'mma bust her outta there."

"You don't have to do that, Hyun." Soojoo says with a chuckle. "She'll be out."

And on cue, K got out of the door with three carts filled with plates of food.

"Sorry for the wait, ladies." She sheepishly looks at all of us and places the dishes on the table.

Each dish had so many details and like how the heck could she make these. It could be sold in a high-class restaurant.

"Wow..." Was all that we could say even Soojoo.

"You've totally outdone yourself, K." Soojoo slowly claps her hands and chuckled. "And you said I was the one showing off."

K glared at her and she kept her mouth shut.

"Anyways, please enjoy the food. I'll be out for awhile." She says before taking off her apron.

"Where are you going?" I asked as she wore her coat.

"Nothing important, Kim. I'll be back after all of you are done probably." She says before leaving.

"Where could she be going?" I faced Soojoo and she looked at me questioningly.

"She might have an appointment or something. I don't know. I'm not her babysitter." She says and then she ate again.

"Are you somehow worried, Unnie?" Lisa leans in on my face with a teasing grin.

I backed away from her out of disgust.

"Lisa..." Chaeyoung trails off while tugging Lisa's back collar telling her to sit back down.

Lisa backs away from me, with that grin still on her lips, and sat down with crossed arms and legs.

"Can we just eat peacefully?" Seulgi asks while gesturing to all of us.

We all shrugged and ate un-peacefully.


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