Chapter 22

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Jennie's POV

A few weeks later...

"K!! You come back here right now!" I shouted at the scurrying K.

She seriously just poured cold water on me. And I just got out of the hospital a few days ago. Like what the fuck?!

"I already said sorry, Kim. C'mon forgive me already." She clasped her hands together and made a puppy face. Of course, she's still running.

Not gonna fall for that.

"Sorry, K. But I'll be bringing you to hell."

After I said that, I saw her mask move. So probably she smirked?

"Try me."

Before she could even go faster, I leaped towards her direction and tackled her down.

"Gotcha." I smirked victoriously. Her body tensed up at the process. "Whatcha gonna do now, K?"

"U-um..." She mumbled something out of earshot so I didn't really hear it.

"What was that?"

"Y-your too c-close, Kim." She said with red cheeks. I definitely admit that she's super cute right now. But given this position and awkwardness. I couldn't say what was on my mind.

"S-sorry." I immediately stood up and dusted myself without looking at her direction. "Here." I offered her my hand.

"Thanks." She accepts my hand and acted as if she wasn't blushing just awhile ago.

At least the awkwardness went out of the window now. I sighed in relief that things won't get awkward after this.

And speaking of window, it opened so suddenly letting the cold morning breeze enter the entire mansion. And I'm wearing goddamn soaked clothes.

Thanks to someone. Mind the sarcasm, people!

"Aren't you gonna change? Your shivering." K says as she throws a towel at me. "Take a shower. I'm taking you somewhere today."

Where are we going exactly?

"Where?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"You'll see, Kim. Now go before I bathe you myself."

I scoffed and headed to my room to take a shower.

I haven't told you guys that K has been living with me since y'know. As soon as I got out of the hospital, she's been very protective. Like really protective. I didn't mind her living here with me though. I seriously needed company and a human to talk to.

I did my morning rituals and stuff then headed to the kitchen. I heard some sizzling sounds so... yeah. And I was craving for food.

"What are you cooking?" I asked K as I sat down on the kitchen counter. My elbows folded on the counter.

"Food." She answers back bluntly which made me frown.

"What kind?" I asked.

"The kind that you can eat, of course." She replied and I could imagine a smirk on her face right now.

Is she trying to get on my nerves?

"What food, K?" I asked but this time a tone of impatience is mixed in.

"The food that you can put in you mouth, taste, and swallow." She retorts innocently.

"Don't test me, K." I growled and she laughed.


What the-.

I only sighed and decided to play along.




"Well done, Kim." She commented which made me roll my eyes.

"Is that all?" I arrogantly asked with a smirk playing on my lips.

"Let's level it up, then. 2,300-800?"




"Damn your good, Kim." She said with a few claps which made me smugly smirk at her. "Well then, I bet you can't answer this."

I readied myself for the question. And that is by licking my lips and clasping my hands together.

"H K-N-U-D T." She says while folding her arms and wore a smirk of her own making mine fade.


"It's a trick question, Kim. Step back if you don't get it." She then left with the tray of food she readied.

(If you guys don't know what it means, I wrote it underneath this chapter. But if you did... "What a smart ass you are.")

"It doesn't make any fucking sense." I groaned and followed after her. "Tell me!" I demanded but she only shrugged and ignored my whiny remark.

"Nope. Your gonna have to figure it out. Actually, you'll figure it out in quite a fast time." She says while taking a bite of the toast that she made.

I groaned and sat down at my chair with a pout on my face. I crossed my arms and looked at her again to see if this would actually convince her to tell. And she only responded with a head shake.

"Your so annoying." I mumbled.

"I'll take that as a compliment." She says before sitting down in front of me with a teasing smile.

I only ignored her and changed the subject.

"Where are we going?" I asked between chews.

"We're going on a date, Kim." She responds which made me choke. She immediately handed me a glass of water and I drank it quickly.

I let out a sigh of relief when I could finally breathe well. She sighed in relief too.

"Y-you didn't even ask me." I said and she smiled.

"Well then, will you go on a date with me?"


• The answer to the trick question is...


Did you get it?

Also, very sorry for the late update!! I had no internet for the whole weekend. •

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