Chapter 25

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Jennie's POV

"Wh-where are we going?" I asked. I was so nervous that I actually stuttered.

"You'll see, Jen." K answers.

I heaved a sigh and sat comfortably on my seat. I looked out of the window and figured that it's almost sunset.

I didn't even notice that we've been fighting for so long.

Right after she said she trusts me and all, she wore her mask and held my hand. She dragged me to her car and here we are now.

"Sleep, Jen. You need it." K speaks out.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'll be resting when we get to the destination." She says.

"Aren't we gonna go home?" I asked in confusion. I then saw her mask tug. She was smiling.

"Nah. We're going somewhere special." She says while holding my hand.


My eyes sure were tired because after I said that, I immediately knocked out.

But not that tired to miss what she said.

"Gorgeous, Mandu."


"You still asleep, Kim?"

I groaned as I heard her sweet voice calling me. I slowly opened my eyes and was met with her scarlet ones.

"Where are we?" I groggily asked while rubbing my temple.

Why did I suddenly get a headache?

"Are you ok? You seem to have a headache, Kim."

"I'm fine."

"If your not feeling well then let's go home. I don't want your guardian scolding me." She joked and I chuckled.

"I prefer seeing what you prepared first." I replied making her chuckle.

"Right this way then." She offered me her hand which I gladly accepted. "Can you close your eyes?" She asked and I nodded.

I closed my eyes and we started walking. She was guiding me so that I won't fall obviously. As far as I know, we're walking on grass and the atmosphere that I'm feeling from this place was familiar and depressing.

We halted and K told me to open my eyes now. I obliged and I was right. This place is depressing.

Jisoo's place of death. The place that I didn't want anyone to go into anymore. The park was empty because I bought the place. Only I can get in. But I don't know how she got in.

"Why did you bring me here?" I blankly looked at her and what I saw in her eyes surprised me. Tears.

"I'm sorry..." She cried and I felt guilty and hurt inside.

"Why are you saying sorry?" I asked. I didn't want her to notice that I'm actually feeling sorry for her.

"I'm sorry..." She repeated. Much weaker this time though.

"Why are you saying sorry, K?!"

"Because I brought pain to you!" She cried.


"Your not making any sense anymore, K. I'm here to learn about the truth about you or who you truly are but your speaking nonsense! Maybe I'm not the one feeling sick but you are." I heaved an exasperated sigh before turning my back on her.


"You know what. Let's just go home. We'll continue this tomorrow." I started walking back to the car but stopped when I heard a flick.

"You wanna know who I am, right?" She voices out with a hopeful tone. But I only kept silent but deep inside my curiosity is killing me. "Then turn around, Kim."

She can't be serious. She even killed Bobby for unmasking her. Just thinking of her making me see her face seems far.

"Are you that worried that I'll lie to you about my identity?" She asked while laughing. But her laugh was so different that anyone would notice.

"Not that-."

"If your scared to see my real self, you could've just told me." A hint of sadness was evident with how she said those words.

"Will you really stay?"


"Will you really be by my side and never trick me?"


"Well then... here goes."

I inhaled a long breathe and slowly turned around to face her. My heart was thumping so loud it might burst.

This is it.


A perfect smile on her face, a loving gaze sent to me, and a beautiful scenery together with this beautiful moment.

The sunrise just made this moment so good that anyone would want this kind of moment to happen to them too.

Nothing could be any better than seeing her face again. But no, I only felt sadness take over my mind and my very being.

I wanted to hug her so tight so that she'll never leave my arms and kiss her passionately that her knees will weaken. I want her to say those sweet words she always says to me before. I want to be beside her all the time. I want her to be mine.

But all I feel is rejection and deep sadness. Sure, tears are falling from my eyes but I just feel so empty. Like nothing matters anymore.

Just like how I felt about Jisoo's death. Nothing could be much darker than that time of my life. Or that's what I thought.

I put on a pained smile and said these words that I thought I would never say again,

"Nice to see you again, my guardian demon."


• You already guessed it, right? Well, I'm very bad at keeping a character's identity. Bear with me! •

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