Ch. 4 I need to get a new car soon

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Once the baby bottle cooled down, Matt gives the bottle to Vicki, who begins to feed Heaven. The female Donovan immediately stopped crying once the baby bottle is in her mouth. The female infant slowly closed her eyes as she happily sucks on the nipple of the baby bottle. 

Vicki fondly stared at her niece while her younger brother started to make breakfast for her and himself. 

" I can't believe I am an Aunt at age seventeen," Vicki tells her younger brother as she lifts her head to look at him. 

" Yeah," Matt softly tells his older sister while cracking some eggs, and carefully putting them on the frying pan to cook. 

" I can't wait to take Heaven shopping," Vicki excitedly tells her younger brother. 

Matt amusedly glanced at his older sister. 

" You do know we have school right," Matt amusedly tells his older sister since he is sophomore while the elder Donovan is a Senior. 

" I know. I know. Wait! Who is going to watch over Heaven when we are at school?" Vicki curiously asked her younger brother. 

Matt quietly stares at his older sister as he wears a thoughtful expression. 

" I wouldn't mind ditching," Vicki smirks.

Matt playfully rolled his eyes. 

" You are not going to ditch," Matt sternly tells his older sister. " I want you to graduate HS and hopefully get a BA in something so that you could have a decent job instead of being a waitress at the Grill," The male Donovan softly says to the elder Donovan. 

Vicki's expression softens, feeling terrible that she has made her younger brother worried since all she has done is ditch school and do drugs. The only reason she is a Senior in high school is that her teachers do not want her to repeat, which means they had to teach her yet again, which would be a nuisance for them. The elder Donovan looks down at Heaven, who is looking at her with wide, curious eyes. 

' I am the only female figure Heaven is going to have in this house,' Vicki mentally tells herself. ' I do not want my niece to see me as a drug addict-,' The elder Donovan worriedly says to herself. 

'-I also do not want Matt to keep her away from me. I want to be her role model, at least, and I have to start by throwing away all of my cigars that are in my room. Not only that, I need to break up with Tyler since all we do is argue. And I want to, at least, teach Heaven to find a guy, who is always going to be there for you and not to encourage you to do something terrible,' Vicki sadly sighed. 

" Okay. I won't ditch," Vicki lifts her head to look at her younger brother. 

Matt softly smiles at his older sister as he turns his head away to continue making breakfast. 

" You know. I was thinking of asking Bonnie's grandma if she isn't busy to watch over Heaven for us," Matt tells his older sister. 

" Yeah. That's good. Granny Bennett is a nice old woman despite people around me saying that she's weird," Vicki tells her younger brother. 

Heaven spits out the nipple of the baby bottle, which causes her aunt to look down at her. 

" Finished?" Vicki amusedly asked her niece. 

Heaven coos at her aunt. 

Vicki carefully placed her niece against her chest as she begins to pat her back. A few minutes later, a small burp gets heard, which causes the Donovan siblings to smile. 

" Well. I finished feeing Heaven. So, I am going to take a shower before we head to school," Vicki tells her younger brother. " Do you want to take a shower with Auntie Vicki?" The elder Donovan adorably coos at her niece. 

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