Still bright

11 1 0

I'm awake once more
The moonlight caresses my eyes with its gentle touch
I remember the nights when it was your soft touch keeping me awake
Now all I have is the cold distant moon and her bittersweet gaze
I remember the days when you loved me
I loved you too
You were my star
But I was a black hole and I couldn't see it
The closer we got the more your light dimmed
By the time we realized it you were nearly gone
You were the life to my death but even life ends at some point
You burned out
A hollow shell of who I used to cherish
It was my fault
I took all that you were to fill the emptiness that I was
I stole your glow
And yet I still wasn't satisfied
So I took your heart too
Without your heart you were a collapsing star
Dying from within, soon everyone could see
They couldn't see me though
I blended into the dark canvas of space and left all the havoc I had caused behind
Don't worry my dear
When stars collapse they become nurseries
Once your radiance is gone I'm not sure what I'll do
There are billions of stars in the sky but none compared to you

Goodbye for now readers and don't forget to cherish the stars in your life for you never know when they could burn out.

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