Chapter 5 - "Gusu Part 3"

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Midday, on the far side of Cloud Recesses, a bunny and his friends hid behind the greeneries and white stones as they made the final preparations. Their target will appear soon, an impromptu arrangement for the Senior Rabbit to meet the youngster for talisman training. As a good excuse as any, because if their Elder Lan Qiren were to find out they are training under Yiling Laozu, the consequences would be dire. Far worse than transcribing Gusu Sect's four thousand rules with ink on paper alone.

And speaking of punishment, what kind of penalty would HanGuang Jun impose on them if they were caught this time, Lan SiZhui debated. His brows furrowed, already having second thoughts.

"Let's not do this now," Lan SiZhui said after much internal deliberation.

"Why not? This would certainly get them to talk," Lan Jingyi argued. "Those two have stopped communicating since Wei Wuxian woke up. If we don't do something, they will probably go their separate ways again."

"Lan Jingyi, what I meant was, we can still complete our task, but let's wait until after HanGuang Jun finishes..."

"No!" the rivaling pair rejected.

"Why?" Lan SiZhui resists the urge to groan in frustration. It's always worse when these two are in agreement.

"Because at this moment HanGuang Jun is in his vulnerable state, which is the best time to deliver his person to him. Always attack when the target is too preoccupied to take notice. That's how hunting works,'" Lan Jingyi explained.

"I agree," Jin Ling corresponded. "If my trap worked on them, we could have used it, but that is not possible considering those two are invincible together. Our plan was a success at the inn, why can't we try the same trick? There's nothing wrong with taking advantage of the situation."

"I have to ask, where do you two learn these underhanded tactics?" Lan SiZhui questioned, then suddenly realized. "Wait, don't tell me. I should've known. Still, may I remind you, we were lucky HanGuang Jun didn't punish us from the previous incident."

"Correct, he didn't punish us. Which means he doesn't mind our meddling," Jin Ling, the young Jin Sect Leader reminded. "Besides, you're the one who told us the trick to get them together. If you didn't want this to happen, why invite me to Gusu?"

Lan Jingyi rolled his eyes. "We didn't invite you. You showed up at the gate with Fairy."

"And you let me in, which means you needed my assistance," Jin Ling argued.

"We had to, or you would make a scene and ruin everything," Lan Jingyi scoffed.

"Jin Ling..." Lan SiZhui interceded, not wanting this to escalate into another juvenile fight, "I think what Lan Jingyi was trying to say is, Senior Wei might use you as an excuse to leave Gusu."

Of course, his good intention was again shattered by Lan Jingyi who couldn't help himself from provoking Jin Ling further. "And we don't need you, nor Fairy this time. Lan SiZhui was the one who noticed the pattern from those incidents. All we have to do is have him touch the shield. You're only here as an observer...wait, an interference."

"Why are you suggesting I would ruin your plans?" Jin Ling snapped back. "How am I an interference when I've been helping you since day one. Without Fairy and I, HanGuang Jun wouldn't have brought Wei Wuxian back here."

"Yes yes, it's all your work," Lan Jingyi agreed sarcastically. "Wait, wasn't it Fairy who should take credit for that?"

"She's still mine, stupid..." Jin Ling growled.

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