Chapter two- progress and kissing

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Over the next few weeks me and Larry became best friends. I also made two more friends, ash and Todd. My dad has been getting better with his drinking, he hasn't beat me since that night. And that was 5 weeks ago! I haven't told Larry how I feel, I'm too scared. After coming home from school I was so Fucking tired, I didn't feel like hanging out today, not even with Larry. I take off my mask and take out my pigtails. I lay down on my bed, I didn't wanna sleep since I knew I would get a nightmare but I needed too. As soon as I drifted off it started. I was at school and Larry came up to me and he looked angry. He ripped off my mask and kicked me in my stomach, knocking me over. Everyone at school gathers around me and starts laughing and kicked at me. Everyone's insults in a blur except for larrys. I can hear his loud and clear. He kicks me again, "no wonder everyone hates you, your a fucking fag" He kicks me again and Travis comes over and stomps on my head, almost knocking me out. He picks me up by my pigtail and spits in my face "fag" He drops my head on my floor and I black out.
I finally wake up in a cold sweat, I feel weight on my bed and see Larry looking at me "you ok man?" He looked so cute just sitting there. I shook my head and started shaking and crying, I leaned on his shoulder and cried, not caring about anything else. He turned towards me and hugged me, I clung to his shirt and cried into his chest. After some crying I look up at him "sss-sor-" Before I could finish our lips were locked together, we stayed like that for awhile. I wanted it to last forever. His lips were soft like cake and his breath was warm, he tasted like weed and strawberries and smelled like peppermint. After we broke lips I could see him blushing and I was too. This time my mask couldn't hide it, "iii-i guess that's one way to ssss-shut me up" I said, in shock. "I guess it is" He said. His voice drew me in, I kissed him again. Not holding back, my tongue played with his and our hands got tangled in each other's hair, he got on top of me and kissed my neck, he founded my sweet spot and sucked it. "Ah~" A moan came though my lips letting him know he found it. He kissed me again and he took of My shirt and I took off his. We made out for awhile, I wanted to remember how his mouth tasted forever, how he smelled, his perfect voice. Everything. After awhile we broke apart to breathe. He laid next to me. His hand layed next to him and I put mine out and held his. His hand was so soft, it felt like holding hands with a cloud. After awhile we fell asleep, this time I didnt dream of horrible things. I dreamed of Larry, us making out, I could even smell him. Him sticking his dick in me, feeling him sliding in and out. It was heaven. When I woke up I saw Larry laughing at me. I gave him a look "the hell you laughing at?" Larry kept laughing and blushed in a mix of affection and secondhand embarrassment.  He kept giggling and pointed towards my pants and I looked down. I fucking jizzed my self, damn wet dreams. I blushed in embarrassment and quickly got up and made sure my dad was gone before going in the bathroom and changing pants. "Fucking dammit" I said, throwing my pants in the laundry. Then it hit me. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" I yelled and ran to my room. Larry sitting on my bed, looking confused "I JUST HAD MY FIRST NOT HORRIBLE DREAM IN YEARS!" I hugged Larry and kissed him in happiness and bliss. Today was the best day ever. He smiled and sat me on his lap. "I'm guessing that dream was about me?" I heard a hint of lust in his voice. I nodded with a blush "I'm just glad my first nice dream was about you~" We were about to kiss before I heard my dad open the door. We both sprang up and put on our shirts. We put on each others shirts but that was good enough. My dad walked through the door "hey sal! Hey Larry haven't seen you in awhile" dad smiled at larry and left my room. i scooted over to larry and laid my head on his shoulder. "soo" i said, larry looked at me "sooooooo". i blushed a bit and hugged his arm "so what are we now?". i looked up at larry and he was blushing. "well ur my boyfriend,if thats fine with you" he said smiling. i nodded "thats all ive ever wanted, ever since i laid eyes on you". he laid his head on top of mine "me too". we stayed like that for a few minutes. he got up "i gotta go to the bathroom" he walked out of the door. i smelled his shirt, it smelled like him, not just peppermint but just, him. i heard him walk back and i stopped smelling the shirt. he walked in my room, he held out his hand "wanna go to my apartment, its 8 am so my mom is worried" i put on my mask and took his soft hand. "wait i slept the whole night?" larry shook his head "i came up to see you, and you were in bed crying. i sat down and tried to wake you up,but nothing. then i sat with you and you woke up crying" i kissed him on the cheek "thank you for that, it made it ten times better you were there" larry nodded and waved goodbye. 

----time skip,they have been together for a month now----

me and larry were playing video games in larrys room, when lisa walked in "hi boys, uh larry i have some bad news" larry paused the game "whats up mom?". lisa gulped "well im going on a 2 month business trip, im gonna be trying out for a business job, you have to come with" larry stood up

"what?! why?!"

"its not healthy for someone ur age to be home alone that long, and plus you might sneek girls over!"

larry rolled his eyes, i held back a giggle from the girls thing. "what about sa- my friends? and school?" i blushed under the mask from him almost saying my name. "they will be here, we are leaving tomorrow" lisa walked out.  larry looked a mix of angry and upset. i sat on his lap and leaned against him, comforting him as best as i could. we moved to the bed and he sat in my lap, he cried into my chest, i stroked his hair. he looked up at me "what the hell am i gonna do without you for 2 months" i shushed him with a kiss. "ill still be here when you get back, we dont have to brake up" larry nodded and he kissed me, i tasted him again,the sweet taste of his mouth, this time tasting like sadness and weed. i got on top of him, my first time being on top during our makeouts. i found his sweet spot and when a moan slipped his lips i knew i found it. we sat back up "larry i think u should be top, i dont think i do top well.." i say blushing. larry nodded "i dont mind being either but whatever ur comfortable with sal" they cuddled and watched some movies. after eating dinner we went to sleep. in the morning we were woken up by lisa. telling larry to pack his shit. i helped larry pack his things and i found the sanitys fall shirt he wore when we first kissed. "hey can i keep this till you get back?" i held up the shirt and larry nodded " anything for you sal". after a hour of packing larry finally had to leave. me and larry had a long kiss before he left. as he walked out the door i felt the larry shaped hole in my heart start to form.

(1,412 words. i write too much stg. anyway this took a super fucking long time. dont worry u pervs the sex is either in the next chapter or the 4th one ;))

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