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"Master Bruce, Its already 5 in the morning. There will be a Board meeting at 8, perhaps you should get rest now."

"Not now, Alfred, I have to see this through. Thank you."

The Butler can only sigh in defeat, He served the Wayne family for 2 generations, Thomas Wayne is a stubborn man, Alfred guesses the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

"I'm shocked sir, and here I went and prepared this delicious Darjeeling tea. Now it will all go to waste."

At the sound of his dejected if not sarcastic voice, Bruce replies with eyes still glued to his monitor and tapping his fingers furiously at the keyboard. "Just put it on the table."

"What about the board meeting, Master Bruce?"

"I will attend."

"So no sleep today either, Sir?"

"Hn, you go sleep, Alfred. I can handle it from here."

"You must jest master Bruce. You? Who can't even take care of your own health? Oh, you man child, I will iron the suit and prepare the limousine while you 'brood' in front of your beloved computer. Now if you'll excuse me." The Butler was being overly salty today.

Alfred is leaving his bitter tea down on the bat computer desk, near where the supposed man-child is sulking. Here's the irony: bruce sulking stood him in very good stead. The boy needs to be reminded of the most basic thing in life, such as taking care of his health. He was so caught up on his crusade he often forgets it, Alfred is there as an authoritative figure, no matter how much bruce age.

Bruce scans the baseballs and found no match for the fingerprint, the lipstick brand to seem like it was hand made. Could it be possible that the suspect is from outside of Gotham? He checks through the police database in other cities surrounding Gotham. Bludheaven, Metropolis, Star City, still no luck. It just seems like this person never even exists.

"Who are you?" Bruce ponders.

He searches the kid's family then, trying to figure out who else involved. The kid names is Jessica Bruno Colt, an only child of the Colt family. Her parents were divorced, the mother Helena Colt---now Helena Chamberline has custody of her.

 Her Father was Fredrigo Mathias Colt, and unexpectedly---he was also the man who just kill Helena Chamberline in cold blood that night, the brutish looking man with a gun.

There is an almost a similar pattern in every homicide case like this, the culprit is often a family member than a stranger. It was a personal vendetta, either it's triggered by jealousy, bad break-ups, or some other love turn to hate grudges fiasco. And it's always heartbreaking.

It seems the mother is cheating on her husband, she wants a divorce just a month ago---and by the autopsy report in the police forensic database, Helena is already 4 months pregnant. 

The weird thing is, Bruce can't find the identity of the man Helena had an affair with. There are some glimpses of a man getting cozy with Helena on some bar downtown, but his face always covered up by his wide-brim fedora hat. There is never a clear shot of him that can be found. 

Helena must be really secretive of her new lover. One of a mafia mob perhaps? An actual big-shot? Alas, no clue so far.

Bruce shift into other information about Helena, after the divorce is approved and she got custody of her daughter, Helena works as an exporter of wine. She works every day at the same time in the place she was shot to death. It seems the husband already planned the murder.

It's a dead-end, he knows the motive of Helena murder---But, there is nothing that can be tied to Jessica assailant.

Bruce tried to search Fredrigo background, he is a mixed Mexican-American, come from outside and work here in Gotham as a Van Criss Laboratories mechanics. He then scrolls down to the list of Fredrigo closest friends and acquaintances and he found 1 profile worthy of note.

Olivia Carr is Fredrigo's closest friend, their friendship is lasting from their middle school until now. Could it be this woman? It's only speculation but it might be possible that their supposed friendship is not what it actually seems. She's a passionate woman, and it can be clearly seen by the reports on how she works. She likes the color red, and the lipstick is a similar color to the one on the baseballs. Bruce pondering on hundreds of possibilities.

Batman gonna have stakeout tonight.

Alas, he should prepare to work. 

"Board Meeting, like they even need me there. "

 He went upstairs and into his bedroom, like a mind reader the butler has already drawn him a bath.

The Darjeeling tea left forgotten in the cave, not even a sip is granted to it. 

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