Stake Out

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The Night before, Batman is set to stop a possible turf war from happening---but he is here now on top of a building, staking out the apartment of Olivia Carr. He doesn't sleep for 2 whole days, his sight is not as good as when he had slept. His ocular lenses do its job wonderfully, Bruce got to thank Lucius for it, the man is a genius.

Olivia Carr just gets home from Van Criss Laboratories, Her white coat was tied around her waist. Suddenly a car pass trough, the street was flooding because it's raining in the afternoon---dirty water splashed into her, staining her clean white coat.

Angry, She threw profanities to the already moving car-- "Fucking asshole!" She cursed bitterly, while started to lit her cig. Olivia was neither older nor younger than the other birds. She was neither prettier nor uglier. She was simply there, a figure out of a socialist painting--puffing on a cigarette, resting against the dirty wall, one hip provocatively cocked.

She then launched herself from the wall, tossed the cigarette, and Batman saw why she had to do so. A man, dressed in all black was approaching her, and Bruce remembers him. He was one of Penguin henchman--what is he doing here?

"Let's go upstairs," the man said roughly and shoved her inside the apartment building. Her room lit up, and Batman can see she was there with penguin henchman.

"You messed up." The man was using his finger to push Olivia in the forehead.

"I don't know he was gonna do that." Olivia sound frightened, She shed her coat and then going to the kitchen to fetch some drink. "Beer?" she asked meekly.

"I'm not here for some trivialities, Penguin is angry." But the man take a beer can from her and start drinking.

"I know, I know...but come on, I never thought Fredrigo will kill his cheating wive like that. I thought he was already over her. "

"Alas, now the police get him....and they can connect it to us."

"What do you want me to do?" She starts to shiver, her hands keep fixing her glasses who become foggier as time goes by.

"We will handle your friend problem. You, however, have to take his place. Sabotage Van Criss Laboratories and steal the nano bomb formula. And if you can bring out the prototypes, even better." The man finishes his drink and with 1 hand he crushes the beer can before flung it outside the windows.

Olivia ponders for a while before she agreed. 

"Good to hear, by the way....aren't you in love with that guy?" The man smirks and starts to go outside, he perched on her door waiting for her confession.

"You mean Fredrigo? ....yes I was, but then he got another woman knocked up and ended up marrying her. I hold such feelings no more. Besides, I already have a new flame."

The man whistle, "You're cold, bitch. Whose your new flame eh?" 

She just closes her door, didn't even answer. The Man laughs and looks a little bit pissed, but he only punches her door once loudly and then finally leaves.

Batman starts to gain more information for his database, it seems his predictions are slightly off. Olivia Carr is not Jessica Assailant, She seems cold to Fredrigo's family situation--she won't even think about hurting Jessica or her mom, she had that chance many years ago.

And he also gains some more unexpected important information, Fredrigo and Olivia were a partner in crime, they probably work with the penguin gang. That explains the gun that Fredrigo uses, the man has a clean profile for 42 years--and only yesterday he stains it. The coincidence is uncanny.

So who? who is it that hurt Jessica? His question was answered when Bruce zooms in on Olivia Smartphone home screen trough his ocular lenses. It was a photo of her with a man, the same man that has an affair with Helena Chamberlane--the mother of Jessica. The fedora hat is a dead giveaway. Not to mention the white scarf draped around the man shoulder, the same clothing style, the same posture, and that creepy smile --so wide, showing a pearl white and crooked teeth inside, a hidden feral look. 

Why does woman like this wild type? Sure, the clothes make him a gentleman, but it's obvious he wasn't. After all, what kind of gentleman making a move on a married woman and then get her pregnant? and he also two-timing her! 

Batman day persona--Bruce Wayne might play around a lot, but there are no string attached, just him and people that might be interested in him trying to get to know each other better. It doesn't even work most of the time, and if it is...just for a little while.

He always resorts to save sex and ends it peacefully on any kind of budding romantic relationship because he isn't ready for such thing, especially if it involved bringing in children to his crusade. Not ever as long as he was the batman. 

Suddenly, the lines are connected inside Batman's head, the key was this man. Whoever he is, he was the one who got the answer. 

But how can he get to him? 

Bruce calls his faithful butler from his private com-link, "Penny-one, are you there?"

"What is it, Sir? do you encounter any problem that seeks my further assistance?"

"Actually, I do---can you hack into Olivia Carr's smartphone? save any information --photos, dates, places, anything about the man she often calls or massage for the past years?"

"Very well Sir, initiating will take at least an hour for it to complete. What do you want to do in the meantime? perhaps,  a quick nap? Ah, Just so you know I just baked your favorite apple pie, you can try to take a fresh bite if you go home now."

"Maybe later, I'm going to Jessica Colts---there's something I want to ask her. Batman over." The dark knight closes down his com-link, but he can hear his butler gave a dejected sigh at the end of the line. Sorry, my old friend, habit dies hard...but I know my body better than anyone, if I can still go on--- I will not stop.

Batman take a look at Olivia once more before he glides away into where Jessica Colt is. He doesn't see that the man he was searching for were knocking on Olivia's door, and he was granted permission to enter---bringing the unknown to the trusting woman.

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