Jess's house

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As we arrived at Jess's house. He showed us around the house.

"This is your room (y/n). I hope you like it." Jess said, opening the door for me.

"It's nice but do you have any video games?" I ask, sitting down on the bed.

"Video games? I have lots of stairs in the living room. You could play with them if you want. My son won't be here until tomorrow." Jess said, leaning at the doorway.

"Really! I'm going to play some right now." I said, running out but Jess stopped me.

"Sorry (y/n). You can't play right now. It's almost morning and you have classes remember". Jess said, crossing his arms.

"Just one game then I'll go to bed please Jess! You can play with me if you want." I said with puppy dog eyes.

"Honestly. If he lets me. I'm going to play video game till its time. I don't care if it's almost morning or school." I thought as Jess thinks about it.

"Ok but just one game." Jess said as we both walk down and played COD. After fifteen minutes of finishing the mission as I about to enter the next mission, Jess pulled the plug.

"That's enough (y/n), Now go to bed." Jess said, crossing his arms.

"I just wanted to play video games." I thought as I walk up to my room and sat down on my bed.

"Ben is a good gamer. I think we're going to be good gaming buddies." I thought, drifting to sleep. I was awoken by Jess.

"(Y/n)! Wake up you're going to be late!" Jess shouts from downstairs.

"Ugh! I hate school but at least I get to talk about games with (f/n) and Ben."

I whispered to myself as I got up and gone to the shower. After showering, I walked down to the kitchen. There was a plate of bacon and eggs on the table with a glass of juice then Jess leaning to the counter reading the newspaper drinking his cup of coffee. I sat down eating my breakfast. It was quite other than hearing some cars passing by the house from time to time.

"So (y/n) would you like to meet my son? You seem to love video games like him" Jess asked, breaking the silence, I nodded.

"I hope you two along well and your parents went to a business trip so they're going to be gone for a month" Jess added as I put my dishes to the sink and walked up to my room grabbing my bag.

"I wonder how good Jess's son is in video games. I hope his good as Ben" I thought of walking out of the house. I saw Jess standing by his car.

"Hurry up (Y/n)! I'm driving you to school." Jess said, going in his car. I closed the door behind me and walked in his car and I got in the backseat. After Jess dropped me at school. I saw (f/n) looking for me.

"Hey (F/n)!" I greeted running up to her.

"(Y/n)! Thank goodness you're alive! Do have any injuries? Did he touch you? I'm going to kill him if he ever touched you." (F/n) said as she checks me if I'm really ok.

"Calm down. I'm fine alright." I said stopping her.

"Ok, if you say so. I have to get my skateboard from someone to go on without me" (F/n) said as I walk to the school entrance.  

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