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"Hey (y/n). Ben likes you" Jeff whispered to my ear, I looked down to my desk and blushed "I so do not" Ben said while blushing "Haha! Yes you do" Jeff said laughing "Even though he's angry he's still cute" I thought side glancing to him as he sat down again "Ok class. Today we have a new transfer student! Please come in" Ms. Rose said as Alix comes walking in "My name is Alix Campbell and it would be glad to met you all" Alix introduced himself as he waves at me.

I waved back. I looked at Ben and it looks like he's giving Alix a 'don't go near my girl' look I smiled and brought out my N64 as the teacher turned around "(y/n) I think Ben is jealous to Alix" Jeff whispered, I side glanced to Ben to see if he heard it "His mumbling something" I thought as I watch him angrily kills triangle head guy in his N64 "Wonder what's his mumbling about?" I thought side glancing to him for the tenth time.

I glanced up to the board once the teacher called someone to answer the question on the board. I felt a faint vibration from my phone and broke my gaze I flipped my phone open under the desk. There was a message from Alix "Having fun playing your N64?" I read the message, I smiled and replied "Hehe yup! So how's the front seat like?" I slide glance to Ben and saw him writing a note for Jeff then another vibration came.

"It's the worst! Miss could spot me easily, you're lucky to be at the back seats" Alix replied looking at his direction, at the same time he looked back to me "Well that's what you get when your late in a full set class" I replied smiling at him but then frowned as I got to read what Jeff and Ben was writing on that page.

Ben: Jeff do you know what (y/n) sees in that Alix guy?

Jeff: He's a gamer like you and this time his smart in all the subjects in this f***ing school

Ben: Ugh! What does grades even have to do with that! Since some of these subjects doesn't even apply in life!

Jeff: I know right! Wait are you jealous of Alix?

Ben: No, why you ask that?

Jeff: Well... one your N64 is glitching so much, two you're mumbling a lot and three your death glaring the guy... You have feeling for (y/n)

Ben: I do not!

Jeff: Yes you do, (Y/n) Drowned it's a perfect fit

Once I read '(Y/n) Drowned ' I blushed, looking down to my desk so they won't notice and brought out my Ps3 to play Outlast then Miss called out to me which made me drop my Ps3 in my bag "The principle needs you in his office... And bring your bag with you" Miss said facing the board again. I stud up while grabbing my bag and walked towards the door. I gave a quick glance to Ben before exiting the classroom, his expression was a sad and worried look when he looked up after reading the note from Jeff.

Ben Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now