Chapter 1: Where the Sun dont Shine

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My eyes fly open as I wake up gasping for air. Six nights, six nights I've been having that dream and every morning I wake up feeling like I'm being suffocated. My hands fly to my eyes as I start bawling. When I cry I feel so weak but it seems like my body does it without my permission.

I sit up and hug my knees waiting for my heartbeat to slow down. I reach for my phone on the nightstand and feel it fall to the ground. I flop onto my back with a sigh, knowing I have to do this all over again. Put myself through all this torture because I've put too much into this to stop now.

I move my legs over the side of the bed and stand up stretching my arms in the air and yawning. Last night I only was able to get four hours of sleep because of my tight schedule. I bend done to pick up my phone and look at the time: 6:36am. Here we go again.

I rush out of my room into the main living room slinging my backpack over my shoulder to see all the other trainees at the table eating. I look into the body length mirror next to the table. Today I'm wearing black jeans with a chain connected to the belt loops, a black hoodie that's seen better days, and my black low top converse. The school I go to allows us to wear what we want which is very unusual for Korean schools.
"Hey Beck!" Leo yells from his spot at the table across the room from me.
"Morning" I say grabbing a piece of toast on the table trying to keep my eyes down and start heading for the door.
"Aye wait up for me man." Leo calls after me.
I hear his chair scrape against the floor and he soon appears next to me with his backpack on and ready to go.
"Okie I'm ready." He says smiling.
I can't help to smile at him because Leo's smile is so adorable. Leo turns around and shouts "Bye everyone!" They all reply in unison with a bye or see you later. I wave to them and open the door. I walk out the door and down the stairs in what seems to be a split second which is confirmed by Leo who is racing after me and yipping at me to slow down.

The air feels crisp and cold and Leo is going on and on about how he hates the cold and wishes it was summer time. I tell him I like winter and that the cold feels refreshing to me. We keep walking down the sidewalk in silence as we pass buildings.
"So.... are you okay Beck?" Leo asks looking down at his feet.
"I'm alright." I say looking off to the right at a group of school kids in the other side of the street.
"Are you still having those dreams?" He asks finally lifting his head to look at me. I frown recalling the nightmares that have recently been keeping me up at night.
"Yeah..." I look down at my shoes and fiddle my hands that are inside my hoodie pocket.
"Do you want to talk about itttt?"
"Um... not really. Sorry. Don't worry I'll be alright." I reassure him.
"You always say that but I know how Mr. Lee and the staff treats you is taking a toll on you."
"Well don't worry about it because this has been happening ever since I become a trainee so nothings going to change." I respond sternly.
"Okay.. okay. Just promise me you'll come to me if you need me okay hyung?" Leo asks looking at me with worried eyes.
"Of course." I say giving him a sweet smile.
"Ah my heart- that smile!" Leo gasps clutching his chest.
"Will you shut it." I say rolling my eyes while my smile seems to grow bigger.
"Man I bet you have ALL the girls lining up to date you." He says poking my shoulder and wiggling his eyebrows. I laugh at how dorky he looks.
"Not necessarily... but I mean I don't mind what gender the person is." I say shrugging my shoulders.
Leo stops walking and I turn around to see a confused look on his face.
"Say whattt?" He says with his jaw practically on the ground.
"You heard me." I say with a smirk.
"Damn! You're cooler than I thought you were."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I say scrunching my face.
"Nothing bad, I mean it makes sense... matches your chill and laid back personality perfectly." He says smiling wide. "Oh my god wait... do you like a guy?!" He yells running in front of me which causes me to stop walking.
"No, I dont." I say continuing to walk forward making him have to jump out of the way.
"Mhm okayyyy." He says wearing a big grin across his face and fanning a leaf he found on the ground in the air.

We arrive at his middle school and before Leo can run off inside I look down at my feet and say, "Hey don't tell anyone about what I told you. It could cause a lot of problems." I kick the ground with the toe of my sneaker until he responds with "Okay! Yeah don't worry I got you hyung." He starts jogging away and waves to me over his shoulder. I see him disappear into the middle school followed by other students in their uniforms. I inhale a deep breath and sigh loudly. That wasn't so bad right?

Miss Benny: Every boy

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A/n: Hopefully this was okay :3 I'm sorry if it wasn't that great but I'm really excited for this story! Thanks for reading <3

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