Chapter 3: Did He See Me?

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Sun's Point of View

May leans over to my ear and whispers "The cute idol trainee named Beck is walking behind us."
I look at her confused and I turn around to see a super handsome guy walking behind us. When I look at him his eyes seem to go wide and his shoulders tense up. As I turn around I whisper back to her "He's pretty cute, I like his style."
"Ahh! You're blushing!" May yells as she pinches one of my cheeks. The rest of the girls giggle and start teasing me and I can feel my ears becoming warm. We all walk off to the right to stand by May's locker to talk and ironically Beck walks to a locker where a guy is standing just a few yards from us. They start talking and they seem really serious but I can't seem to stop looking.

"Hey Sun! Snap out of it." Lola yells at me grinning.
"So does this mean we have to get Sun a date with the school bad boyyyy?" May squeals.
"NO! no!" I yell.
They all look at me in shock.
"Oh um uh I mean, no don't do that." I say fiddling with my necklace.
"Yah! Look at our baby blushing and being all fidgety," Lola says laughing.
"Bye! I'm leaving!" I yell as I stomp off.

I hear them laughing behind me and Yeeun runs up to my side.
"Hey want me to walk with you to class?"
"I guess so."
"Aye don't be upset, they're just living through you haha," she says as she puts her hand in my hair and fluffs it up.
"We just want you to be happy and honestly Beck is mysterious and is seen as a bad boy but from personal experience I know he's super sweet."
"Yeeun who said I even want to date him or anything?" I ask scrunching up my nose.
"I mean you don't have to." Yeeun says as she grabs her overall straps.
A long pause is shared between us before I say "Um maybe I'll try talking to him?" I can feel myself blushing.
"Really?!" Yeeun squeals and hugs me. "Okay bye Seong!" She yells as she practically skips off to class. I sigh and blow a piece of hair out of my eyes. I head to my next class as I try to calm myself down

Beck's Point Of View

After the girl with long brown hair turned around and whispered to Sun I swore he turned around and looked at me. I felt my body tense up. My heart started pounding really fast and a warmth spread across my cheeks. AHHH did he really just look at me??? Ah shit shit shit! They must think I'm following them? I'm not, I mean I was following Sun at first but I have to go in this direction anyways.

The group of girls and Sun go off to the right a few yards from where Dae is standing at his locker; our meeting place. I speed walk over to Dae and his eyebrows immediately raise.
"What's up with you?"
"Oh uh nothing." I answer.
"Yeah right, spill." He demands crossing his arms and leaning against the locker.
"I don't think I should tell you right now. It's kind of big and I don't know if I'm ready. I don't think you'll see me the same way if I told you."
"What the heck are you talking about Beck? I'll always think you're amazing and I'll always be your friend." He says trying to reassure me.
"I know. Ok I'll tell you Sunday, I promise. I really have to go pick up Leo and get back to the company to train."
"Okay, you better tell me Sunday and if you need me just text or call me." Dae says as he stands up straight.
"Okay I will. Bye!"
"Bye." He responds smiling.
I walk towards the Highschool entrance as Dae walks down the hallway to his next class.

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A/n: This one was quite a bit shorter but I think what's coming up next needs it's own chapter ;)

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