Chapter 2: Make it Through

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I sprint up the stairs and burst into the classroom.
"Why hello Mr. Kim, nice for you to join our class today."
"Sorry seonsaengnim." I say and bow as I walk to my seat.
I take my backpack off and plop into my seat while throwing my backpack next to my desk. I sit up straight trying to seem confident and put together so that maybe everyone won't notice how tired I look and how late I was.
As the teacher is teaching us another math concept a piece of paper lands on my desk. I look over to my left where the paper came from and see Daehyun smiling at me and motioning for me to open it. I look down at the piece of paper and uncrumble it and read his messy handwriting
Hey why were you late to class?
I pick up my pencil and write back
Didn't have the best morning
I throw the paper back to him when I notice the teacher isn't looking. He uncrumbles it, reads it , writes something, and then throws it back.
Want to hang out Sunday?
I write back:
Maybe, where?
I throw it to him and he writes back:
A party, yes or no?
When he throws it back I read it and put the paper in my pocket so I can think about it. I focus my attention back to the teacher and ignore Dae until the end of class.

When the teacher tells us we can leave I get up and sling my backpack over my shoulder and head for the door.
"Hey! Beck!" Dae calls after me.
I turn around trying not to seem like a complete jerk if I were to ignore him. I like Dae but I'm just really not in the mood.
"Hey what's up?" I ask as he stands by my side and we walk down the stairs together.
"Just wondering if you thought about if you want to go to the party or not."
"You know I want to but I'm not sure how the company would react if they found out."
"Don't let them find out then?" Dae says shrugging.
"Who's house is it at anyways?"
"It's a surprise." He says grinning.
"What the hell does that mean?"
"It doesn't matter who's house it's at. You should want to go so you can hang out with your bestfriend, me." He says pointing both thumbs to his chest.
"Now why would I want to do that?" I ask with chuckle.
"Never mind I don't want to hang out with you anyways." He says pouting and crossing his arms.
"Ugh fine I'll come." I say reluctantly. "Bye got to go!" I yell to him as I walk down a side hallway to my next class.

I go through my school day and make it to my last hour, English. I walk into the class and immediately someone catches my eye. In the front row a boy is sitting sketching in a notebook. He has pink fluffy hair and is wearing a sweater tucked into jeans. I smile at the sight of him. He must be a new student?

I take my seat which is next to the window on the left side of the classroom, diagonal from him. I set my backpack down continuing to look at him. The teacher walks into the class and immediately starts talking in English and I try to keep up. I ready don't need a distraction in this class.

Five minutes into class and I'm still looking at the boy. Joy seems to radiate off of him. He's already talking to his desk partner and he has a wide smile on his face and they're laughing and talking back and forth. I try not to stare too much but I find myself not paying attention to the teacher and just watching his mannerisms. His movements all seem gentle and I can't help to think about how cute he is.
I'm spacing out when suddenly I hear the teacher say "Okay class now that we have our objectives cleared for today and attendance taken I'd like to introduce the new student." She motions towards the pink haired boy and smiles at him.

He gets up from his chair and turns around and immediately I feel as if I'm being blinded by an angle. His skin is glowing, his cheeks have a faint pink across them, he is smiling sweetly, and his eyes are so bright that I don't think I've ever seen someone look so unbothered and happy.
"Hello" he says as he bows to us. We all bow back and say a greeting.
"My name is Lee Chan Seong, you can call me Sun or Chan." He says warmly.
"Hello Sun, where did you move from?" The teacher asks from where she's sitting at her desk.
"I moved here from Seoul." He answers.
"Well we're so very happy to have you in our class." She smiles at him. "You may take a seat now, thank you."

Sun sits down and I find myself biting my bottom lip. Ah shit! What am I doing? I don't even know him and I already feel myself crushing on him. I haven't had many male crushes and I've only dated females until I became a trainee and wasn't allowed to date anymore. All I knew was that Sun was making me blush and I couldn't stop thinking about his smile and his soft cheeks.

Once class ended Sun packed his stuff up and grabbed his notebook. I hurried after him but didn't say anything. I wasn't ready to talk to him but I did want to be in his presence for a little bit longer. I followed him down the hallway and a couple of girls came up and started talking to him. They all seemed really close with him like they've been friends for awhile. I didn't get a flirty vibe from the girls as they all were joking with one another and talking to Sun. One of the girls with long brown hair that was curled looked back at me. I didn't think I looked suspicious, I was only just walking to the entrance of the school after all.

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A/b: Sureee that's all you're doing Beck 😂
I felt like writing another chapter and I'm probably going to write another one once I post this one but I hope this was good. I'm personally just writing what comes to my head and then going back to edit it.

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