Chapter 4: The Past Comes Back to Haunt

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Beck's POV

I walk out of the school and pad my way down the stairs. Once reaching the bottom step I stop and heave a big sigh. I swear Sun looked at me..... I barely even know him and he's making me feel this way. If anyone found out I liked guys I'd for sure be in trouble and probably thrown out of the company. All I need to do is debut. That is my end goal. All of this hard work I've put into my career and training needs to count for something. I really don't need a controversy right now. But I know I won't be able to control myself around Sun. I just know that there's something there between us. Oh gosh I sound insane, how could there be something between us if we've never even said one word to each other??

I look down at my wrist and see that it says: 2:03pm. Dang I need to hurry and pick Leo up! I start jogging slowly so I can pick him up in time.

I lean against the brick wall by the gate waiting for Leo to get out of school. Since we're trainees we're allowed to leave school early because of practice. I don't mind because I can catch up on the classes I miss online but for Leo I worry sometimes. That's why I'm always nagging him about schoolwork. Soon Leo comes walking through the gate followed by other students.
"Hey hyung!" Leo chirps.
"Hey bud, how was your day?" I ask while rubbing his head.
He swats my hand away and starts telling me about his daily adventures. One thing I love about Leo is that even if the day was boring he'll always have things to tell me that he found interesting even if they're simple things like something that happened in the book they were reading in class. I let Leo talk himself out until he asks me "So did anything interesting happen to you today?" I blush slightly thinking about Sun, should I tell him? I mean he's only 12?
"Well there was a new student in my English class." I say nonchalantly.
"Girl or boy? Oh right it doesn't matter." Leo says while cracking up.
"Ok NEVER MIND then." I say sternly as I pick up my speed.
"I was kiddinggggg!" Leo calls after me and runs to catch up to me.
"I mean you aren't wrong. I like both genders and the new student is a guy. He's really cute actually.... with pink fluffy hair, glowing skin, beautiful eyes..."
"Ewwww you sound and look in love!" Leo yells making a gagging face.
"Shut up and walk!" I yell crossing my arms.

We continue the rest of the walk back to the company in silence and before I open the door I look at Leo and motion with my hand me zipping my mouth, locking it, and throwing the key away. Leo nods reassuring me he understands that he better keep his mouth shut. I open the door and see the apartment is full of chaos. All of the trainees are rushing in and out of rooms seeming to be getting ready for practice. It wouldn't be this chaotic if there was just a few of us living in this apartment but they cramped us all together so getting ready after school is always a big ordeal. I personally just change my clothes and call it good. I'm not sure what these guys do to get ready but I don't see why it calls for them to have to go in and out of the bathrooms a hundred times.
Leo throws his backpack down by the table and runs to the kitchen for his daily after school snack. I set my backpack down next to the couch and plop down. I turn the tv on and wait until Leo plops down next to me and starts stuffing his face with chips. I take a handful of them from him and we continue eating until finally all the trainees seem to be more calmed down and almost ready to leave.
I get off from the couch and go into one of the rooms where my stuff is along with 4 other trainees, including Leo. I grab some sweatpants and a tank top and change really fast in the room. I walk out of the room and fill up a water bottle. The rest of the trainees are sitting at the kitchen table and the couch. Leo comes out of our room with his practice clothes on and we all decide it's time to go. We always like to walk together as a group to practice. I'm closer to Leo than the other guys but we all have become close after spending months on end with each other.

I'm sure they all can tell something is off with me today since they've all been leaving me alone. I personally dread going to practice and they all know why... they've all experienced me getting pushed around by our Ceo, Mr. Kim, our choreographer and the other staff. A few of them have been yelled at before but they all know I have it worse. I personally don't like talking about it because I don't want to make it seem like I'm some kind of victim. My fellow trainees including Leo have told me I shouldn't deal with the crap they give me but I told them I have to deal with it if I want to debut.

One time Leo asked me why I don't leave the company and try to join another one. I told him that Mr. Kim has information about my family that I can't risk him letting out to the press. Plus, I have been at the company for 3 years now. I've worked this hard to debut so I'm sure there won't be much longer until I finally get my chance.

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A/n: sorry if this is boring or uneventful; I'm trying to think of some things I want to happen in the future and I'm sorry if this seems so cliche :0 but either way thank you for reading and I'll try my best to make it interesting. If you're my friend reading then feel free to message me any ideas for this book :) I have a few things in my head I want to happen but some ideas would be helpful.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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