Chapter One: Whispered Words

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                                        Chapter One: Whispered Words

    Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. Or at least that’s what they say. As if words have no significance in your life. Words like freak for instance. A simple word with a simple definition but when used in reference to you it becomes less simple. More menacing and hurtful. Words can build up a person as much as they can tear them down. No matter what you do once something is said can’t be taken back. Phrases like I hate you is another example. They may roll of your tongue so easily but the after effect can be devastating. Especially if they are the last words that someone ever hears.

    My names Light Rayne and my story begins and ends with words, both heard and unspoken. My story starts on the first day of junior year of High School. Or as i liked to refer to it: my own personal hell.

    I stood outside the old faded red brick building dreading the moment that the bell rang and I would be forced to go inside. The building itself should have been condemned years ago. When you walked around the outside of the building you would constantly have to be on guard for falling black shingles. Don’t get me started about when it rains. I sighed and pushed open the oversized oak door entering my prison for the next seven hours. I stared at the ground while I walked, a practice I had mastered after freshmen year at High School. The evil glares don’t exist if I don’t see them. My eyes were glued to the black and white tiles, positioning my feet so that they fell in the middle each time. That took talent and a dash of obsessive compulsive disorder. I was almost to my locker when I heard the first whispers.

    “She still goes here? Freak..”

    “Its no wonder she never has friends..”

    I closed my eyes tightly. I give myself five seconds to feel the pain of their words.

    One. “Who walks like that?”

    Two. “Have you seen the way she dresses?”

    Three. “I would say she looks like a hobo but that would be an insult to hobos.”

    Four. “I heard that she was hospitalized over the summer.”

    Five. “Wouldn’t surprise me. Even her own mother doesn’t want anything to do with her.”

    I forced myself to unclench my fists and open my eyes pushing back the tears. Words could only hurt me if I let them, or so I kept trying to tell myself. I continued down the hallway to my locker. It was the same locker I have had since freshmen year. It was grey with patches of silver where the paint had been nicked off. The thing was known for sticking constantly and over time, thanks to me kicking the crap out of it, I’d also managed to take some paint off of it. A sigh came out of my lips as I tried to open the stupid thing. Perfect way to start off a perfect year.

    I started to bring back my foot to kick the locker just as I heard a voice behind me.

    “Light you know kicking the locker does nothing right?” I felt a smile slip onto my face. I turned around to face my best and really only friend, Jerome. He stood at six feet tall, totally dwarfing my five-three frame. He had that tousled just got out of bed look, his dark brown hair perfectly messy and his bright green eyes were placed perfectly on his face that just drew you in when you looked into them. Don’t get me started on his perfect skin that I was utterly jealous of.

    Let’s just say my best friend was ruggedly handsome and I definitely knew it. But I wasn’t the only one. Everyone knew who Jerome was. He was obsessed with basketball but considering how amazing  he was at it, he had all reason to be. Though he was known for his skills, he was also known as the nicest guy at school. He wasn’t your typical date the head cheerleader, try and see how many girls he can sleep with guy. Jerome was big on respecting women and all that jazz. Girls have tried to throw themselves at him and he kindly turns them down. How he has that will power I will never know.

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