A magic pact

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The two of them walked back to the village in silence. Bakugo could feel Kirishima's eyes following his every move and it was unsettling. His mind wandered back to how Kirishima had looked at him earlier and he felt his stomach flip.

His eyes. He way he had been looked at. For the first time ever Bakugo had been looked at like prey, and actually believed it.

They finally reached the village and Bakugo felt his shoulders release tension he wasn't even aware of. As Bakugo went to step out from behind the large bushes he felt an arm around his waist pull him back.

"What th-!?" He started but he stopped when he felt the dragon's other hand grasp his shoulder. He felt hot air brush past his neck and shivered at the feel. What was that scaly idiot doing?!

Something wet ran up his neck and Bakgo flinched. Was he being licked??? Kirishima's tongue ran up his neck a few times before he stopped and bit down right where his neck met his shoulder.

Bakugo had to bite his lip to stop himself from making noises. It was a strange sensation. It was painful, but also pleasurable.

The hand Kirishima had on Bakugo's shoulder slowly slipped down his body till it rested on Bakugo's thigh. He let out a squeak when the grip tightened slightly.

Not once did it come to his mind to try escape.

The strange feeling from his neck changed to a pricking sensation and Kirishima slowly let go. Bakugo almost caught himself wishing he had stayed like that a bit longer. Almost.

Bakugo turned to yell at the dragon but stopped when he sure the pure joy on his face. Kirishima's tail was wagging happily like some sort of wolf.

"I like you. You're mine." Kirishima said happily, but the words seemed to have a deeper meaning.

"Right..." Bakugo muttered, forgetting his anger. He instead rolled his eyes and turned to enter the village before turning to Kirishima and holding out a hand.

"Come on then scale for brains." Kirishima grinned ear to ear and changed into his small dragon form. He hoped onto Bakugo's shoulder and made himself comfortable in the mess of fluff.

Bakugo smiled, half wishing Kirishima had stayed in his human form so they could have held hands.

"So what did you do to me anyways?" He asked the little reptile as he made his way past the bustling villagers. The little dragon simply purred in response. He was far too comfortable in that mess of pelt to say anything.

Bakugo chucled to himself at the little purring noise he made. He really was adorable.

Weaving through the crowd he made his way to the mess hut. While he had already eaten he was sure that Kirishima hadn't.

Walking through the door he waved at the people that greeted him before making his way to the small room in the back.

When he had first been crowned king he had hated the constant attention and crowding from the barbarians. So he had gotten himself somewhere private to eat.

Closing the door he took his cape off and dropped it and the dragonling onto the chair. Kirishima looked up in confusion and annoyance at the sudden movement.

"What do you eat lizard?" Bakugo asked. Kirishima shook his head, as if to say 'not here.' Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"They're not allowed in here unless I say so now either say something or you're just eating what we all do." Kirishima let out a small squeaky sigh before turning back to his human form.

"I don't need to 'eat' like you, I live off magical energy." Kirishima then walked over and placed a hand on Bakugo's neck. It was warm. And he had the urge to lean into the touch. But he didn't.

"Here, I marked our pact, and took a bit of your blood." So that's what he had done to him. Wait, blood? What was he a vampire.

"What does blood have to do with magic energy?" Bakugo grumbled as he crossed his arms. Was it his imagination or did Kirishima's red scales change shade in embarrassment.

"Well... magic is stored in the body... and the three main places are blood, saliva and...."

Bakugo waited but Kirishima didn't finish, he instead turned away and refused to meet Bakugo's eye.

"Well spit it out!" He barked and Kirishima flinched.

"The final and most effective method is.... semen..." Now they both stood there in silence. Kirishima's hand was still on Bakugo's neck, he had never pushed him off.

The atmosphere was awkward to say the least, neither knew what to say until Bakugo found his words.

"What the fuck, so I'm like a value menu to you??" Kirishima chuckled, appreciating the joke. Bakugo grabbed Kirishima's hand and dragged him to the table, pushing him so he was seated on it.

"Just don't say anything stupid." He grumbled. Kirishima looked up at him in confusion but then he knew why.

Bakugo's hands went to either side of his face while his lips landed on Kirishima's. It was softer than he had expected, and far more delicious.

Kirishima's stomach growled and he gave in. Grabbing Bakugo by the waist he pulled him closer. Using the sudden movement he spun Bakugo round and pushed him down onto the table.

Climbing on top he kissed him again, his tongue now asking for entrance, which Bakugo gave.

Bakugo groaned, something about this was like ecstasy. He just didnt want to stop. But all good things come to an end.

Kirishima slowly pulled away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Bakugo slowly sat up, he felt unusually tired and slightly dizzy. As he stood up his legs trembled and he stumbled.

Kirishima reached out and caught him.

"Careful, it's your first time losing so much magic. You'll feel weak for about an hour." Bakugo nodded numbly, his attention more focused on the hand at his waist than anything else.

Kirishima gently placed Bakugo down onto the chair and smiled happily. Sure enough his scales seemed more bright and he looked very energetic.

Wait.... how often do dragons have to feed?

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