Now that Sest know some information about Carson he is ready to text more but every few days apart so he doesn't make a bad impression with Carson. Sest messaged a lot to Carson but there was a sequía, Carson have not answered Šest's messages. Instead of that she just seen the messages and sest was worried. 10 December was here and Šest decied to send Carson the drawing that Jael maked to Šest so sest can show it to Carson. The drawing sayed "I love you carson" and carson replyed the message with 3 hearts. For Šest that mean a lot because Carson was finally looking for him. Days passed and Sest sended another message hoping for not have another sequía and This time he showed his "iPhone 11" that was broken to Carson and 20 seconds later Carson answered "oh man you are going to have to save up for a new one" this mean a lot to Sest again because Carson answered 20 seconds later of the message sending so he would probably having now some trust by Carson