Days passed Carson and Pablo talked all the time incluso they watched the champions league final together for video chat. One day Carson texted to Pablo hey I have a surprise for you and Pablo sayed what? And she sayed IM GOING TO CABO TO MEET YOU!! Pablo sayed YES! FINALLY but he had a problem. Pablo's parents don't know that all over this moths he haves instagram and he was texting to a 8 years old girl. Finally Pablo sayed to his parents about Carson and they approved. Carson will come exactly at Pablo's birthday so she would also come to his birthday party. On (03/05/2020) carson texted to Pablo that she arrived at San Jose del Cabo so Pablo gives Carson the direction of his house and Pablo was so nervous because he would also meet Carson's dad and all his family. The moment have arrived Pablo see Carson opening the door of his house and they both see each other and finnaly they were together.