Chapter 5

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When Carson answered with that heart Šest knewed he was going for the right way so then he sended Carson a photo of his dogs. Carson seen the message with no answering and Sest was worried but then a few minutes later Carson replied with a photo of her dog named jake and she also sayed that the dog was 13 years old and Sest sayed "omg he is so cute my dogs names are bootes and stephanie. Then Sest would never imagine what would happen later. There was the biggest sequía in all this story ever, Sest sended a LOT of messages and Carson wasn't even seen them so Sest thought that he would probably lose Caron's trust on him. Days passed and not even a seen from Carson and then Carson maked a new post so Šest decided to put a comment at the post and Carson answered. For Sest that was a signal of hope because he hasn't loosed all the trust of Carson. Then Šest decided to tell Carson a little about he and he finally revealed she that Šest's name was Pablo. Carson have just seen the message but Pablo didn't care a lot because she already replied to him. One day pablo decided to force a Carson answer because there was no answering again, only at the comments. He put Carson on his best friends list  and put in his storie that she was a good friend etc. Carson replied with an emoji so that meaned to Sest good news. All over this month Pablo have loosed and got Carson's trust on him.

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