First Time Flyer

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Chapter 1

It had been a week since the fire and I was slowly starting to move on from that day, though the pain stayed. Jackie had rushed over to the Hotel as soon as she heard what had happened, and hadn't left my side until last night. We had a tearful goodbye but I promised I'd call her all the time. Angie's assistant Lois had arrived and took me to stay at a hotel until after the service. We were on our way to the airport for our flight on a Private jet to Malia. How a private jet?

Well Angie and her husband David own a range of Hotels, The Dakota Hotels to be precise so they are multi-millionaires and my mum Susie grew up with Angie and made her my godmother so she was one of my legal guardians as my mums will states i wont have anything until i turn 21, I'm only 19. I was in the taxi to the airport with Lois, where I was meeting The Swift's pilot who is flying me to Malia straight away from Edinburgh Airport which is a just round the corner from our quaint county of Fife. I felt someone touch my arm, bringing me back from my thoughts. I looked up and saw Lois smiling gently at me.

"Tori, come on you can day dream on the plane, the Swifts are waiting for us" She said as she hopped out the taxi and helped the driver with our luggage. I sighed and unbuckled myself and dragged myself out, fixed my jeans and T Shirt and got a trolley for our cases. The driver and Lois loaded the trolley and she paid him with a tip. I turned and was faced with a gigantic building. I'd never flown before and fear was gripping me. I'd heard all the stories of flights crashing and blowing up and some had got into my head. I grabbed hold of the trolley and we both pushed the trolley into the airport. We stood for a moment as Lois looked for the main desk. There was a huge seating area, with a few people dotted around and in it, which was surrounded by restaurants, small shops and a games centre.

"Tori, it's this way come on" Lois said as she set off past WH Smith, her heels clacking on the marble floor as she took off. I jogged to catch up with her that didn't take long. We walked past more shops and people till we saw a line of desks and attendants sitting behind them all smiling or in conversation with customers. We walked over to a blond woman around Angie's age.

"Hello, we're here for the private flight on the Dakota Hotel Plane. I'm Lois, Secretary of the Dakota Hotels; would you tell us where the plane is please?" She smiled at the other woman as she nodded and tapped on her computer keyboard. After a minute she looked up.

"The pilot is in the plane. Shelley the flight attendant will get you at the entrance to Gate 1. If you put your cases on here, we will have them loaded into the Plane the now." We put our cases on one at a time and watched them zip away on the belt. "Well that's everything, have a great trip and enjoy Malia" She said, smiling to us but sounding like a recording. We both smiled and Lois started walking over to a big sign board that must have shown the way to the Gate as she sped off and again I had to jog to keep up.

We walked past massive windows so I stopped to look; I looked out and saw a white plane with DAKOTA in blue writing on the sides. Knowing Lois had kept walking I ran after her again. A tall brunette woman was waiting for us. I gave her the once over and decided she seemed genuinely nice. She introduced herself and helped us unload our carryon bags and take us into the Airplane. The seats with white leather with midnight blue trimmings and a black carpet. On the wall was a huge plasma and surround sound system with a stack of Cd's and DVDs. I sat down and got my book from my bag, opening it just over halfway through, dropping the bookmark in the process. Cursing under my breath I leaned and picked it up just as Lois sat down and fastened her seat belt. I quickly did the same and she smiled. Taking my free hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"Tori, there's something you should know about the Swifts. Well you know that there is nine children right and that they are all boys?" I nodded and she continued "Well they are well known for their parties and for being magnets for girls. I just want you to be careful as you're a pretty girl and they will swoop in on you and believe me they are all pretty nasty when they need to be." She sighed and pulled her phone out and started tapping away. My mum used to say my best feature was my eyes because of their colour, but who I take them from is a mystery as I technically was an accident. My mother used to say it's the best accident that ever happened and as it turns out Angie had her fifth son Kyle a few months before I was born. So they were inseparable till I was two, when the Swifts moved to Sydney, Australia. We used to meet up now and again but when I and Kyle hit five, the visits slowly stopped and we only got cards at birthdays and Christmases.

The Intercom came on and a man's voice: "Ladies, our flight to Malia will begin shortly. Keep the seat belts on until the seat belt sign goes off and out any loose objects away safely for takeoff. So please relax and enjoy the flight." I grabbed my headphones and plugged them into my phone, putting a slow song on to keep me calm.

As the plane started to move, nerves started to kick in. I gripped the arm rest tighter as the plane started moving faster toward the runway. I clenched my eyes tightly shut and I thought I was going to rip the arm off the chair. After ten minutes the plane headed down the runway and into the sky. Once air born I relaxed and read for a bit, then decided to sleep. I put my book away and curled up with a pillow, listening to Taylor Swift through my earphones. I drifted off to sleep as we flew through the clouds to Malia.

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