Meet The Family

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Chapter 2

I woke to someone calling my name and gently shaking my arm. I hazily saw Lois beside me smiling. I stretched and yawned quietly and my arms and back joints cracked form sitting so long. I took my headphones out and looked to Lois.

"We are just going to land so I thought you should be up and ready to leave as Mrs Swift doesn't like to be kept waiting for long." She said before turning to her phone and started tapping away. I sighed and packed my bag again. I just finished as the intercom came on:

"Ladies, we are going into descent in about 5 minutes down so please relax and buckle up. Thank you." I stretched and my bones cracked again. I rubbed my eyes and pulled my fingers through my hair quickly.

"How long have we been flying for?" i asked Lois, suppressing a yawn.

"about two hours now. Not too long" Lois said as she buckled herself up.

After 15 minutes, we were both off the jet with our bags, looking around for the Swifts. Lois grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd and as soon as she let go, I was grabbed by a woman with black hair and hugged so tight I couldn't breathe. Eventually she held me at arm's length and smiled.

"Oh Tori, it's been too long darling, you probably won't even recognise me." She said, her smile faltering a bit. "Of course I do Angie!" I giggled, hugging her tightly. She hugged me back and led me over to a tall man with greying hair, who I assumed is my godfather David. He smiled and hugged me before grabbing my carry on bag and slinging his free arm around his wife's shoulders and leading us into the car park.

Lois said her goodbyes and left back to her home and I followed my aunt and uncle to their car and chauffeur. Gasping at the Mercedes I saw, I hopped in the back and scooted over for Angie and David. Angie followed me in and David gave my bags to the chauffeur and got in beside us in the back. We waited for the driver to put my carry on bag into the boot and took off to their hotel.

"So how are you coping Tori?" Angie asked, giving me a small reassuring smile.

"I'm doing okay, its hard though" Angie and David nodded in understanding and we slipped into a deafening silence. I looked out the window at passing houses and cars and Lois's words came to mind. Eventually I had to ask:

"I hear you have nine sons, do they all live with you, and what are they like? Will they like me? What if they don't like me? " Chuckling Uncle David answered. "No sweetheart, our oldest two boys: Brody and Tristan are already gone, I'll fill you in on them and they will love you so don't worry too much about that. And if they, for whatever reason, have a problem they'll have to deal with us."

The Swift Boys:

Tristan being the oldest at 24 is a lawyer in training and a happily married man to Lauren: his childhood sweetheart, who is an interior designer and pregnant with their first child.

Brody is 22, the rugby fanatic and is going into the family business after college while playing rugby as a pass time.

Austin is 21 and the Star quarterback for the university team, and is a well known player and party boy but is a complete mummy's boy. Straight B student and is striving to play football professionally.

Chase is 11 months younger than Austin. He and Austin are known as twins as they look identical but personalities are polar opposites. He is the surfer boy of the family and is never away from the beach for too long. He attends uni with Austin but his major is undecided.

Kai is my age, is the musician in the family and loves playing his guitar and singing for the family at parties and gatherings.

Cole he's 18 in a few months and is the basketball star, who has been accepted for the all star team after high school as long as he keeps a B average.

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