Dinner Time

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Chapter 3

We arrived at the restaurant and we all piled out of the taxis and went to stand at the entrance while David paid the drivers. Chase and Wren were by my side, chatting about the holiday so far. Austin was over with Brody.

"So Tori, how you liking us all so far?" Wren said, a cheeky glint in his eye. i suddenly felt uncomfortable as Chase stared at me, waiting for an answer. He was gorgeous like Austin but his personality was different, he was nice and didn't hit on me like Austin did. Chase must have sensed my uncertainty and smiled reassuringly at me. confidence washed over me and i looked back to Wren.

"Well I've only been here a few hours and everyone is so nice, but does Austin hit on everyone constantly?" i said jokingly, gaining a chuckle from Chase and Wren. " Yeah, its amazing that Chase and him are called Twins, i mean apart from looking like each other, they are completely different." Wren said as Chase nudged him.

Intrigued i asked "Yeah How is that?"

Chase blushed profusely and spoke" Well Austin is a player as you've probably guessed, while I'm not as bad as him. He loves causing trouble and i prefer sorting it out rather than causing it. Austin like is into dark haired girls, while I'm not specific. he likes scream music and i like rock. I like surfing and hes afraid to wet his hair. He is very confident with an ego to match, while i think I'm more laid back and shy. so yeah Yin and Yang would be a better nickname for us both" He shrugged as Wren and i laughed.

"Oh i get you, well its good that you aren't like each other, cause the world would suffer with two Austins running around" we all laughed as Angie and David came and ushered us inside. A waiter showed us to a huge table with eleven chairs. i sat down and Austin and Kai were beside me. we all looked at the menus and gave our orders. then the small talk began.

"So Tori, are my boys being nice to you?" Angie asked, looking at Austin,Chase then at me. I nodded my head and smiled. Seeming content with my answer she visibly relaxed.

"Well how do you feel about a shopping trip tomorrow? we could make a day of it?" Angie said, excitement visible in her eyes.

"Sure, that'd be great!" i said excitedly. My mum had taken me on shopping days a few times, but most of the time i had to go on my own or with Jackie. So i was genuinely excited to go with Angie.

"Mum, can me and Chase hitch a lift with you two tomorrow? cause we wanna go shopping, but not with you guys cause you take forever?"Austin asked putting on his best puppy face.

"Of course sweetie, we will meet out front at eleven sharp and meet for lunch at one okay?" her eyes narrowed at the two boys, making sure they got the message. both boys looked at each other and nodded. Smiling Angie leaned back in her chair. the starters and drinks arrived and we ate in silence. when we were done, the small talk started again while we waited for the main course. we got to know each other better.

"Tori, if you don't mind me asking. how are your eyes green?" Brody asked, obviously intrigued

"Well my mum had eyes that were almost Black and i don't know who my dad is, so we think it could be more of my dads eye colours" i shrugged, many people had asked so i knew i sounded like a voice recording.

"Aw that's so cool, but you don't know your dad?" Austin said, making me give a small smile and shake my head.

"So Tori, what do you do in your spare time?" Lauren asked, changing the subject.

"Nothing but i'm up for trying new things, what about you?" i asked curiously

"Oh i go for a walk or visit friends, and i think there is a leisure centre at home that has lots of things to try.” Lauren said.

"I will definitely need to check that out, thanks" Lauren smiled and sipped her coke. Kai was chatting with Brody,Tristan was helping Tommy out with his napkin, Austin was talking to Cole and his dad about football and Chase excused himself from the table and walked to the restrooms. Angie looked over at me and mouthed - you okay?- Nodding slightly i sipped my drink as the mains came out. Everyone ate in silence, my lasagna was delicious. Wren had tomato sauce from his spaghetti on his nose, causing us all to laugh. Wren cleaned himself and we finished dinner. Dessert was served straight after we'd finished. Lauren and Tristan were sharing a Super sundae and looked so cute together. I suddenly felt like i was intruding in a private moment, and turned back to my ice cream, eating it silently. We all finished and broke into different conversations. I started to feel tired and stifled a yawn. David noticed and decided t was time to go back to the hotel. We all piled into taxis and i fell asleep on the drive back.

"Tori, we're at the hotel. come on bed time" i hazily woke up and saw one of the twins leaning over. I stretched, grabbed my purse and let who i assumed was Austin, help me out of the taxi. Still half asleep ‘Austin’ sighed and scooped me up into his arms. I looked around and saw no one so they must have went inside already.

i snuggled into his hard chest as he carried me to the elevator. I sighed, contently and he chuckled, pushing the floor number and the lift went up. We stepped out of the elevator and he opened my purse carefully, and out the key card into the slot, opening the door and putting the card back. he set me on my bed and took my shoes off. he tucked me into bed, turned off the light and gave me one last look before leaving. I fell asleep thinking of my new life and the people in it.

"A/N so Tori is settling in well so far...."

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