Your eyes connected with his frosty blue ones as your heart sped up. He walked over to you, smiling.
"My name is Alois Earl Trancy!" What's yours, beautiful maiden? You lightly blushed and smiled.
"I am F/n L/n. Pleasure to meet you, Earl." He blinked.
"It's always a pleasure to meet me!" He cooed, spinning around and suddenly bowed before you. "May I have this dance?" He asked gently, holding his hand up to you as you lightly grabbed it with yours. He suddenly squeezed your hand lightly, not letting go as be took possession your other.
"Yes." You answered, more blush staining your fair skin.
"Yay!" He cheered, beginning to dance with you.
As you danced, the both of you talked about random things.
His bright blue eyes glowed as the ball soon came to a close. He frowned, slowly stopping your dance.