rights (10)

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Shouta awoke to three tribal women starting to remove Angel's belongs.  An elderly woman clicked her tongue at Aizawa.  "So you are the one Uncas chose?  She says you are great warrior. We shall see…"

Shouta glared at the old woman, "Who shall see?"

"Did the spirits not show you a vision last night?" the elder asked.

"It was a nightmare if that's what your asking," he stated.

"No you chose it to be a vision to make your decision about my great niece,"the elder comments.

"Angelina said she was banished so why are you here now?"  Aizawa said sternly.

"Because many think' they' know what is best for the Blackfoot but don't ask us, the elders," the aunt remarked sharply.

"So what is best for her?"  he replied.

"To take the role of medicine, it is not for us, she chose but to others who are like her family.  She has chosen UA. The teachers, the students and especially you."

"So she will be staying?" he questioned the elderly woman.

"Yes, I envy this choice but see why, looking at the students and their abilities."

"Quirks?"  Shota asked.

"Abilities given by Creator and his spirits."

"So what does this have to do with me?" Shouta inquired.

"You will renounce your claim to court my grand niece," the great aunt said with no regard to Shouta's thoughts.

"What?  Renounce?"  Aizawa was wishing the aunt had coffee to give him instead.  His mind wasn't up to speed yet. " We were going to start dating…”

"Angel chose you because you are a warrior.  You accepted to court her did you not? Or was just her earthly form you lusted for?"  the elderly tribal woman stated with an intense stare now.

"I won't lie that I did have sexual feelings but wanted to be in a relationship also…"

"You speak of the past as if long ago but it was only last night…then it should be no big matter for you to renounce  her," the old woman smiled a crooked pull to the smile.  "Get up and be at this address at one in the afternoon.  Even if your are releasing your claim, show respect and come bathed at least."

"If I don't want to release her then what?"  Shota raised his eyebrows.

"Cleansing and walk the gauntlet to prove your a warrior when it the right time and when to use other ways to end an impasse."

"Be on time Shouta Aizawa or that says something about you too," the elder laughed.   "I see how you bewitched my niece but our ways, are not your ways, in your new hero society.  Let her go...she is not for you. The spirits tested you last night...they say you are not for her by your hostile intent."

"Spirits and visions are not logical.  It had nothing to do with that. Looking at her Morpheus form and her abilities, she would do great harm to those I protect," Aizawa scoffed.

"Could but you used 'would' so you have passed your judgement.  Just release her and be on your path of black and white,Eraserhead.  She is surely not for you now that I hear this. You listen to logic and she listens to spirit, including love.  You two are not meant for each other...walk away."

Shouta watched the elder stride away.  Mic stood behind Aizawa. "Shouta what will you do?"

"You heard the old woman, what's best for 'Uncas'…"

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