Happy Chinese/ lunar new year to all Asians
Today is January 25 2020 and it is the first day of Chinese new year. If by any chance you are not Chinese or Asian and don't listen to your teacher when she/he is talking about Chinese history in class , Chinese New Year ( CNY ) is a celebration where people dress in red and all the married people give money to the unmarried. Basically having Christmas and your Birthday mixed together. This year i am feeling lucky la .I have 4 days of CNY and on the first day already have 2 mill collected . WAH henduo qian (lots of money). This is also the one time of the year where your parents buy expensive food and let you buy anything you want . That is why. Become Chinese.
Most of my class are Chinese so we all enjoy and understand the enjoyment of getting angpao once a year. WE enjoy and we treasure , our money our time our moments and our sometimes regrets after we buy our stuff un-responsibly and ending up spending way to much money.I think everyone in the group does that.The ABB group and the DOG group. Let me explain
The DOG group has been standing tall for a very long time since 11/11/2019. I know that is not that long , but we were official way before that. DOG stands for 'Da orang gila' in Bahasa Indonesia. It means the crazy people .We all have our own personalities and we are all not that alike to each other but each of us match as a pair.Overall we are a great girl group together.
I think ABB has stood straighter and higher than DOG. Even though we are all good friends ABB has gone way back. ABB stands for Anak Bocah Bodoh(Little dumb kids). We consist of Flora,Brooke,Maya, Clarissa and me.Flora Brooke and Cassandra go way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way back. They have been friends since they were little kids. Maya joined in maybe in 1st grade or 2nd but i'm not sure. At this point i had not join their school and i would have no idea how to act out all my personality and be myself around others if i have not met them.I went in 3 to 4 years ago at 3rd grade. It was a blast and still is. I really appreciate these weirdos and i am happy to be still with you guys till this long.
Its sad that some of these girls are going to change schools. Its unreal. The group is getting separated but that does not mean we are not still friends.New students will enroll in our class next year and i hope they will present the high energy and enthusiasm that we all have.I guess it will be almost time to recruit new members.I don't want to that. I want to enjoy
.So to all the people that have been giving me a reason to live let us live the best together.
This is a really short chapter but i hope you all enjoy it. This is Keira signing out.
Story dedicated to: @DramioneFanFicWriter , @Perth21WA0808, @hpfan282008, @AGIRLL0000, Clarissa , Vallerie and Naori.
Thank you for making going to school not a pain in the ass.
Untitled story of billions.
De Todo. Book is somewhat of a journal with life lessons and things happening in my life. i hope this is somewhat enjoyment and entertaining for you all. bye the way i am almost 12.