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EVERY MEMBER OF the family came to congratulate me,I wasn't feeling okay it felt like something was amiss and all I could do was fake a smile to everyone

I changed my dress afterwards to a pink floral dress with royal blue flowers design pattern,the gown was almost thesame design with the last one but had some differences because the flays in this one was only one step and it looks more beautiful,my make up artist tied my blue head attire for me which has different designs with imprinted pink flowers,she did a little touch up on my make up

My best lady who is Fareedah was on a pink beautiful gown with different designs and pattern in hers,I wore a stony blue high heel and also a stony blue purse to match up my dress

My mommy was undeniable happy when she sets her eyes on me,she shed tears of joy and prayed for me, everyone had already changed and left the house for the reception venue

I was scared not just because of the ceremony going on but on how Ibrahim will react when he sees me

Will he be happy?

Will he be contented?

Or will he show it to my face how much he despise me?

I shook my head to clear off my mind this wasn't the right time to get sad,I have to be strong for myself.

The car that was meant to carry us arrived and I was sure Ibrahim was inside the car,I felt more frightened when we were told the best lady and man has to go on another car.

I tightened my hold on my purse when my hand started shaking vehemently,I stepped out of the house and turned around to give the house a one final look

This is not my home anymore

A tear slide down my face and I wiped it off briskly,I didn't want my mom to see me shedding tears,Fareedah was already in the opposite car with Abubakar who is Ibrahim's best man

I walk gently to the car and stepped inside,I saw Ibrahim sitting at the edge of the other side of the car,looking through the car window like he wasn't here,he was lost

He was wearing a blue native wear with agbada,he also wears a cost black leather shoe and also a cap

I sat at the other edge of the car giving us the space we needed,he turns to look at me more like glare at me before taking his eyes away

I gulp visibly knowing fully well that this marriage is going to be one hell of lifetime together which am  sure is going to happen

The car ride started while all I was thinking about is different ways that can make us end up divorcing but I don't want to be a bad wife but rather I pray he comes up with the divorce faster before I do

The car stopped at the venue more like we vanished and reappeared at the reception venue,I was so lost in my chain of thoughts that I didn't know we already got there

Ibrahim opened his own side of the car avoiding me totally,I got sad not because I wanted him to love me at the instance but the fact he treated me like I was the cause of this neither do I wanted this too

I opened my own side of the car and stepped down,soon enough my parents and his were by our side with Fareedah and Abubakar,they talked a little while I zoned out several times

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