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No one's POV

HOW COULD YOU?! Halimat roared angrily as hot tears left her eyes forcefully,she always craved for a mother, she's always jealous of those with mothers seeing the way they were pampered and loved and always blame Allah for taking her mother away from her not knowing her dad was behind everything, was behind the lost she felt

"I'm sorry Halimat! You should forgive me! It was in the past I don't want you and killed your mother out of anger for disobeying my wish but right now you're everything to me"her dad replied and her anger grew

"How could you do this to me! How could you do this to your daughter! You left me all by myself to grow up in your house,I always wondered why no family members came to visit me,I always wonder why no one in the family that's a female decided to take care of me but you left me alone to grew up on my own!"Halimat said bursting into tears

"I'm never forgiving you dad! I'm never going to forgive you and you can rot in jail because you deserve it"Halimat said turning to run out of the prison because all she felt is pain but she suddenly yelp in pain as something penetrate through her stomach

She look down to see that one of the rods on the dirty cell penetrated through her and her eyes hold an expression of horror,Mr Kandiri's eyes widened as blood gush out of Halimat's stomach

"Help! Help!! Help!!!"Mr Kandiri yelled while Halimat eyes only shed tears feeling an heavy gush of pains,she started getting weak when the police rush over to her,the only way she could be help is to draw the rod out of her stomach and it was a very painful experience for her

Mr Kandiri kept on crying in the cell praying nothing happens to his daughter

"Let me go with her! Release me! I want to go with my daughter!"he kept yelling which all fell on deaf ears

"Call my husband! Tell him to come with my baby!"Halimat weakly said and one of the police women took her phone informing Ibrahim of her present predicament

She was rushed to the hospital and Ibrahim was there too,she needed urgent surgery but the doctor was not around and she needed to be rushed to another hospital,Ibrahim got scared while Firdaus was just looking around ignorant of what's going on,she was taking into another car and Ibrahim joined her tagging Firdaus along

"I don't want to die Ibrahim! I don't want to leave my daughter alone!"she cried making her to feel more pains

"You won't die Halimat, nothing will happen to you"Ibrahim said but Halimat nodded in disagreement

"I don't want my daughter's life to be like mine Ibrahim,I was denied of mother's love and if I leave my baby now she will never experience it too"she said tears flowing freely from her eyes,she touched her baby's cheek with her bloody hands while Ibrahim kept on praying nothing happens to her

"I love you so much Firdaus"Halimat said choking "I love you so much Ibrahim that I didn't mind doing anything to anybody,I wanted you to be all mine,I never wanted to share, you don't know the kind of joy you gave me when you worship me till one certain time when everything stopped,I was devastated I felt pains I wanted you all to myself"she said and coughed

"Stop talking!"Ibrahim warned

"No! Let me talk,you gave all the love to Aishah and I was blinded by rage,I wanted her out of your life desperately,I wanted to be the only one you look up to with love and adoration but Aishah had all those then I started doing things to her,I hated her so much that I didn't mind hurting her,I tore her apart and was happy when she loss her children but today I experienced that kind of pain when I discovered I was denied of mother's love and felt more pain when I know I won't be with my child soon,I won't be there to see her grow into a young woman"Halimat said coughing

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