Chapter 35

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I can't help but to stare at Joshua, he's really attractive, but when I think about his personality,  all the attractiveness goes away. He's just an ass. If he could get his attitude together we could somewhat be friends. Who am I kidding, Me and Joshua? Friends? I giggle at the thought.

"What's funny?" Joshua snaps.

"You." I tell him. He rolls his eyes at my response and walks into the living room. How in the hell did he even find out where I was? I asked him the question last night but he never gave me an answer.

"How did you find me." The words spill out.

"I followed you." He proudly says and sits on the couch. He followed me? Who does he think he is? He cannot just up and follow anyone, he's not my mother let along my father. I walk to him and knock his feet off the glass coffee table and stood right in front of him with my arms crossed.

"What's your deal." He snaps standing from the couch.

"Oh you're one to talk." I snap back moving my hands down to my side. I seriously don't know what has gotten into him or what he wants but it won't be found here in this house. "You need to leave." I walk towards the door to open it for him but he manages to get a hold on my arm. I yank out his grip and walk closer to the door.

"I mean seriously Joshua I don't understand you, you are such an ass and I really though we could have been friends but you are just so repulsive, and rude, and a huge jerk that I just can't stand to be around longer." I'm shocked by my choice of words but I mean it. He's so bi-polar, with his mood swings I just cannot keep up with him.

"Friends?" He laughs. I don't think I caught on to the joke.

"What's the joke." I ask. I don't really care but I would love to laugh too.

"You wanting to be friends with me. Oh please." He laughs more. Without even thinking I walk over and push him. He's way more stronger than me and doesn't budge.

"Don't hurt yourself there tiger." He says. I raise my hand and attempt to slap him but I wasn't quick enough. He grips my wrist and looks into my eyes. I look away not wanting to fall into his trape again.

"I don't like you, I don't care about being friends with you anymore Joshua, I don't even want to see you anymore." I say. Of course I'd have to see home because his friend is my roommate but I'm not changing my room because of him. He doesn't get to win this one.

"Oh please." He says dropping my wrist and walking away. "You like me enough to stay around me. You definitely like me more than your shit face boyfriend." How dare he even say anything about Mason. He wishes he was him.

"Oh right you wish you were him." I say. I mean it he does. Joshua can't even be nice to me for a second.

"Oh I wish I was him?" He stops walking and turns around.

"Yes." I yell.

"No, because if I was him, I'd have an uptight bitchy girlfriend who I cheat on with any chick I see. So you know what now that I think about it, yeah me and your boyfriend have a lot in common I can see why he cheats on your little ass. You wouldn't give him none so now he's fucking any bitch that would throw herself at him." His choice of words hurt but I don't give in.

"Oh bravo, your still on that. No you wish to be like him because he has me, you're upset because I just don't want you. That why you keep playing games in my head." He moves closer to me and I'm force to look up at him. He has a big frown on his face but I'm sure my face is no different.

"I don't want you, I would never want you. All those moves I pulled on you, I could have fucked you then and there but I didn't because I didn't want to hear you whinny ass voice bringing it up every three seconds. 'Oh my god I just had sex for the first time. Also I cheated on my boyfriend who also cheated one me.' It would drive me crazy." He says. His voice is low and his face is still in a frown.

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