Chapter Two

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Standing in front of my house Felix gave me a gentle push toward the front door. "Come on little red. Everyone will be waiting for us." Rolling my eyes I stepped into the house with Felix right behind me. "Ryan your home!" My mom gushed. "Not for long Mrs. Walden, she's having a girl night with Jisoo and I wanted to spend time with her after returning from Australia. " felix grinned at my mom who immediately fell for his charm. "Oh that's fine! Can you have her home around ten tomorrow morning?" My dad asked. "Of course sir. Either me or Jisoo will escort her back safely." Quickly saying goodbye to my family we started the walk to the pack house which was a few blocks away. "You know it is still possible to find your soulmate right?" He questioned me as we walked in silence. "Jisoo and Chan said the same thing but I'm honestly losing hope. I have to go with him in a few months. " kicking a peeble I wiped my eyes as we continued to walk. "Dont worry little red. Even if I'll always rescue you." He beamed as I scoffed pushing him away. "Your too much how does Jisung put up with you?" He grinned unlocking the door as we both entered. "Hey Binnie!" I greeted kissing his cheek rushing up the stairs to Chan and Jisoo room. Banging on the door Jisoo grinned pulling me inside. Chan stood in the mirror fixing his hair as I grinned. "Hey Channie!" He looked at me in confusion before ruffling my hair. "Your happy Ry, what changed?" "I'm just happy to be here with my second family. " Jisoo smiled pulling on my arm. "Let's get ready. Chan is the only one coming with us." Following after Jisoo I got dressed first. Sliding into a pair of skinny jeans that are ripped and a hoodie. "You cant be seriously wearing that!" Glancing at Jisoo I grinned. "You look good. "

She smiled as she straightened my hair

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She smiled as she straightened my hair. "Thank you. We should get ready to go."
                    1 hour later
Sitting at the bar downing the shot of tequila that sat in front of me I watched Chan and Jisoo dance on the dance floor. "What are you doing here?" A voice asked as I turned to see my  'fiance '. "I'm with friends." Grabbing my wrist he was absolutely livid. "Your not allowed to be here!" He yelled in my face yanking my wrist hard. My eyes scanned the crowd and Chan and Jisoo was no where to be seen. Crying out in pain I attempted to pull away. "Ow James let go!" Tears pricked my vision as he continued to apply pressure as I felt my bones begin to snap and my vision become slightly blurry as he was yanked off of me by two men I fainted.
                Wooyoung P.O.V
Me and San went out for a few drinks as we sat there talking. "Do you think we'll find our mate?" I asked. "Who knows, this feels like a cruel sense of humor don't you think. Eight mates? I pity the soul." San mumbled downing his liquor as we looked around the club seeing a couple argue I turned my head. It wasn't my business, she probably was doing something she shouldn't be doing. Turning back to watch the scene the girl attempted to pull away only to cry out in pain. He yanked her closer and I got a whiff of her scent and it seemed San did as well.   "l'amour vrai." He mumbled as we made our way over to the two. I yanked the guy off of her as San panicked watching her faint. I grit my teeth in annoyance.  Our mate hadn't been in our care for even 10 minutes and was already hurt. Not taking my eyes off the man who was glaring at me I responded to the both of ours clear panic. "Just take her to the hospital hyung, and go home.  Get Mingi and Yunho to stay with her." "What do you think your doing with my fiance?!" He yelled as my fangs came out. I was genuinely getting pissed off. "Fiance or not, shes our mate." I smirked watching him fume. "Now if you'll excuse me! I need to check on her. Let this be a warning as well Alpha. Hurt her again and I might just let our dear Maknae end you. " I tsked pushing the man away and storming out of the club. The only thing on my mind is our mate, who's currently in the hospital.

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