Cp.2 School (Ugh)

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~:Canada's POV:~

I walk into school and go to my locker to grab my things I need for my first class, Algebra, Great. As I grab my stuff and close my locker, there appears a small blue and yellow country.

~:Ukraine POV:~

As I walk into school with my brother Russia I see a tall country wearing a black sweater. I walk up to him and hide behind his locker door. As he closes it I smile. "Hi!" He looks shocked as I say that. He stands there, not responding still looking scared. "Are you Ok?" I say, wondering. He just nods and walks away off to class. "Weird" I go and grab my stuff from my locker and walk off to Science.

~:Canada's POV:~

I sit down in the back of Algebra class and await my fellow classmates to arrive. A couple minutes later the room floods with people along with one if my brothers....America. America isn't my favorite of siblings but he's not the worst, I still hate him for what happened back when we were colony's.....but I got revenge in 1812.
Soon after they all sat down our teacher, Mr. UN walked into the class and started to teach.

~:30 minutes later:~

The bell rang for our next class, which for me was Gym. Great. I got up and walked out to the gym and changed to get ready for class. Gym has started and we were playing dodgeball, which I reckon is not my favorite. I stand there not doing anything while also getting calls from our teacher, Mr.Spain to get moving. Of course I ignored him.....Until a ball came hurling at my face. I could feel Dark start to take over....

~:Dark's POV:~

I took over and caught the ball before it hit our face. Everyone stared at us, astonished of our speed. I was feeling cocky so of course I whipped the ball and it ended up hitting America right in the face, witch knocked him down. The teacher told us to go to the office while running over to help America. Of course we didn't go to the office we  just walked home after changing and grabbing our stuff. I gave control back to Nada.

~:Canada's POV:~

I got control back and sighed. I continued to walk home in the somewhat cold weather.

~:3 minutes later:~

I made it home and my parents were there. Great just what I needed. Britain called me over to have a "chat." He most of got a phone call. I just ignored him and walked up to my room, locked the door and went to sleep.


Second chapter! Better than the last one but again I'm still not used to this so it may not be the best

444 words😘

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