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It was nearly closing time when Clark came back. "What the hell! Why'd you interrupt me with the pretty lady?"
I ignore him, he knows my rules, "you wanna fight, fight outside. You wanna disrespect a lady, and it's time for you to go."
"I didn't know your stupid rules applied to the fucking government! I thought you hated them more than I do!"
He knows he has my attention, "What?"
"That whore's mother is the Secretary of Security. Fucking government lady."
How did I miss that? I was so focused on the rich girl I didn't even bother to notice who she arrived with. It's not everyday a beautiful girl walks into my bar, it's the usual gang members and bikers.
I'm so lost in thought I didn't realize Clark left and it is past closing time. I finish cleaning up the counter, lock the door, and head home.
In Sector Three, we don't buy property. It's basically first come first serve, but if someone wants it bad enough, they'll take it from you. Because I own one of the best bars, the people know to just leave my place alone.
My sisters are there waiting for me, huddled under a blanket playing a card game. The youngest, Andy, jumps up to greet me, "Griffy!" I bend down and she jumps into my arms.
Without getting up, Abby greets me, "How was work?"
My mind automatically went to Phoenix, but I decide not to mention the incident to her, "It was fine. Same old."
She nods and I join her with Andy still in my arms and we continue to play the game. It's just us; four years ago, our parents were killed in a government strike along with half the neighborhood that used to live here. Abby was just two, now it's my job to take care of them.
After a few more games, Andy yawns so I put them to bed on the lumpy old mattress and I lay down on a couple of old blankets.
I wake up with Andy's foot in my face. I shove it away and get up to start breakfast. The kitchen is bare, just counter space, cabinets, and a fridge. This week all we have left is rye bread and strawberry jam. I quickly whip up three sandwiches, one for each of us.
A few bites into mine and the girls join me in the kitchen. Like every other day, I leave the girls for the day and head to the bar.
My best friend, Carson, is waiting for me at the door. I unlock and we head inside; together we set up the bar for today.
A few minutes before opening, we sit at the bar and have a drink, "I heard you were graced with a federal presence yesterday."
I scoff, "And I didn't even realize." I continue after the confused look he sends me, "yeah, in comes the Secretary of Security and I don't notice because she brings along some beautiful rich girl." Carson just laughs at me and soon so am I.
After we sober up Carson asks, "What was she doing here anyway?" I shrug in response; I really don't know. "Remember learning about survival of the fittest? Back when they still offered school. I've heard that they're trying to do that. Kill off the weak links. And which is the weakest Sector? The one with the drunks and criminals. They don't care about the kids or families here. The government is plotting something, and we have to stop it."
I just stare at him. We only had one drink, there's no way he's trashed, "What in the hell kind of nonsense are you talking about?"
"Griff think about it, we're a waste of space in their eyes. Just another mouth to feed. With us gone Sector One and Two can thrive. We can't let them get rid of us; we have to fight it."
He's starting to make sense, "but how can we fight it? They have an army, we've got drunks."
I guess I had a point because he drops it and changes the subject, "How about we talk about the daughter then?"
I think I feel my face heat up, he's mocking me, "Really? A Sector One girl?"
I shrug him off, "She's different, ya know. You see her mother and their army and everyone else in that Sector and they look fake. But she wasn't, she was real. She yelled at me and her mother called me loyal." We laughed at that, if you're not loyal, you're dead, "And her eyes. A beautiful green, full of life. And when I upset her, she yelled at me. She's the type to tell you how it is."
He looks at me like I've lost it, "All that from a five-minute meeting?"
He's right, I've lost my mind. I just shrug my insanity off," Told ya, she's special."
The rest of the night was spent catering to my customers. I'd like to say my mind was far from my conversation with Carson, but it's not true. I couldn't stop thinking about her, or Carson's revolution idea.

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