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As soon as we get back, Mother and I went straight to bed. She awoke before me as usual and was in a meeting by the time I woke up, or so the note on the fridge says.
I was hoping to catch her before she left, I even woke up early. As an important political figure, I would think she could make a difference in the people of Sector Three's lives. The way they live isn't fair. Especially Griffin... he works hard and has nothing but a run down bar to show for it. It's not fair and something needs to change.
I run downstairs; skipping breakfast, I call up Pedro, "Hi Pedro. I need a favor. I need a ride to my mother's office."
He agrees to pick me up and take me over. After I get dressed and look presentable, Pedro is waiting outside in the van.
We strike up conversation and I bring up my plan to fix the conditions in Sector Three. Pedro tells me that he originally came from Sector Three, he passed his exam and chose to be a driver for political figures, but he left his family behind.
We make it to my mother's office; I get off the car and thank him for the ride. When I make it to the floor of her office, her secretary tells me she's on the phone, so I wait outside for her to finish.
I've been waiting for almost half an hour, I approach her door to knock when I hear a snippet of her conversation, I freeze when she mentions Sector Three. It's wrong to eavesdrop but I couldn't stop myself. I instantly thought of Griffin, I had to know what was happening.
"It's finally time... Sector Two is doing fine... Yes... Crime levels have passed the cap... Yes, in Sector Three... Okay, I agree... Phase Plague is a go... Yes, we have the chemicals ready to be released." I leave after that; in fact, I sprint out of the office building.
I need to ell Griffin, but how?
Pedro is still waiting; I jump in the car. It's then that I realize the tears pooling in my eyes, and in that moment they drop.
My mother – the government – is planning to kill a whole Sector, a Sector of kids and families. It's genocide.
I think Pedro is talking to me, but I can't hear him. It isn't until I calm down that I understand what he's asking, "Miss is everything alright?"
I shake my head, "No! Nothing is okay! She's going to kill him! I have to warn him."
"Who, Ms.?" His voice is soft, as though he's afraid I might burst into tears again. I'm afraid of that too.
"A boy. From Sector Three. Will you take me? Please. I have no one else." I'm not sure why, but Pedro agreed. We'll stop by my house before we go through the Sectors.
I pack some clothes, none of the clothes my mother approves of - ripped jeans, jean shorts, old t-shirts – items hidden in the back of the closet. I pack some lunches, enough for Pedro, myself, and a little extra.
We make it to the first barrier, Pedro flashes his badge, but unlike mother the gate didn't open right away. It took some persuading; I think Pedro said I left something behind during my last trip, but I can't be sure. Half way through Sector Two, I'm starting to fall asleep.
I wake up to Pedro calling for me, "Miss we made it past the gate but I'm not sure where to go from here." I give him directions to Griffin's bar.
We pull up and I go in alone, I told Pedro earlier it's best I do this solo. He'll stick out like a sore thumb amongst all the bikers. I go inside and am greeted by the stench of the bar. The same man from last time, Clark, comments when I enter, "Hey, pretty lady. Back for more?"
I ignore him and search for Griffin, I spot him behind the counter, pouring a beer for a customer.
As soon as we make eye contact, I feel my eyes pool with tears again. He instantly notices and rushes toward me, "Phoenix? What's wrong?"
I can't form a complete sentence, "I'm sorry... I didn't know... I'm sorry."
I'm sure he has no idea what I'm babbling about, "Come on, lets go to the back." He leads me out and we're alone in the backroom.
"Now Phoenix, calm down. Tell me what happened. How did you get here?" His tone is calm, but I know he's worried.
I take a deep breath and tell him everything, "My mothers driver brought me here but that's not important. My mother – oh, I can't even call her that." The tears start to fall again, "She's going to kill you. There's a plague, she's going to unleash it on Sector Three."
I can't see Griffin, but I can feel that he's backed away from me, I feel as though I'm going to faint. I see stars clouding my vision, my knees are close to giving out.
The last thing I see is Griffin reaching for me.
I wake up on an uncomfortable mattress, surely, I'm not in my bed. There's also whispering around me, which is unusual.
I open my eyes and spot bare walls, sitting up I notice two young girls watching me. The younger one speaks first, whispering, "she's awake."
The older one responds, "Well yeah. I can see that Andy." She gets up and approaches me, "Hi, I'm Abby. This is my little sister Andy."
The little one waves from behind Abby. Still unsure I ask, "Where am I?" This time, Andy answers, "Griffy brought you here!"
Abby clarifies, "Sector Three. My brother brought you here asleep."
Brother? Griffin has a sister, two of them. My mother is going to destroy families. His ears must have been ringing because Griffin walks in the door. He notices I'm awake and shoos his sisters. Sitting next to me on the bed, he asks, "how are you feeling? I was worried."
I give him a small smile, "I'm alright. I didn't come to just tell you. We have to fix it. The government is corrupt. This can't go on."

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