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She said the same thing Carson had. They're going to kill us. Phoenix's plan is dangerous, but I'm willing to try. For my family.
"Phoenix, that may be a bad idea. This doesn't involve you, go home. I can handle it." I don't want her getting hurt because of me.
"No Griffin. This is my mother. She's a monster and I'm going to stop her. I can get us in, but we'll need help. I don't trust anyone in Sector One, do you know anybody who'll be willing to help?"
Do I? Yeah. "I know plenty of people that would be willing to die for their family here, but there's only one person I trust. Let's go." We leave my girls and head to his house.
He answers on the second knock, "What do you want, Griff?" He looks to my left and spots Phoenix, "Oh, and who's this beautiful lady?"
I refrain from punching him, I almost do when he kisses the back of her hand; he's doing this on purpose. Thankfully Phoenix pulls her hand back, not at all charmed, "I'm Phoenix, we need your help."
He turns to me for an explanation, "Inside."
Once we're all settled inside, Phoenix tells him everything – what she heard and the plan. Carson is taken aback, but suddenly he jumps up, "I knew it! So, when are we going?"
Phoenix answers, "Now. Let's go. I have no idea when this is happening. The sooner the better."
We're sitting in some fancy car, the only cars in Sector Three are police cars so I've never been in one. The driver, Pedro, is someone Phoenix trusts. He's going to get us to Sector One without a hitch... hopefully.
We made it through the first barrier no problem. I've never seen any other Sector, seeing the city and homes in Sector Two is shocking. They're all intact and freshly painted with perfectly groomed lawns. We don't even have grass in Sector Three. Carson looks just as awestruck as I do.
The last barrier to Sector One was harder to get through, we had to hide in the back to avoid detection, so I didn't get to see the Sector. We weren't uncovered until we reached Phoenix's home; we rushed into the house up to her room.
Phoenix hands us blankets and pillows and leads us to a dark empty room, "Sorry there's only one bed, it's what we have. This room remains unused, so you won't be found." With that she leaves, I follow her, I stop her outside her door, "Phoenix, wait!"
She stops and turns to me, "Thank you. For doing this. You could've just let it happen and not burdened yourself, but you didn't. So, thank you."
She shakes her head, "Don't thank me. I'd like to think any decent human being would do the same. You nor anyone else in Sector Three deserves what you've been dealt."
I'm about to respond when the front door opens, "Phoenix, are you upstairs?"
Her usually tan face turned ghostly white, I grabbed her hand and slipped into her room, "Calm down. Where's your closet?" She points to a closed door; I open it and shove myself behind her clothes just as her mother walks in.
"Phoenix, I have a proposition for you. The government is sure you can be the next Secretary based off your Exam scores. Now we have a life changing program, and we want you to be a part of it. Are you willing to do this? For the good of your country?"
Phoenix doesn't answer, I'm sure she knows just what the program is, just as I know, "Yeah, um... can I think about it?"
"Of course! Meet me at my office tomorrow and we'll discuss specifics." She sounds cheery and fake, just like she does on the holograms every morning.
The door closes and Phoenix tells me the coast is clear. She still looks deathly pale, so I lead her to her bed, "she thinks I want to be a part of that. She wants me to be a part of a genocide."
I've never been good with crying girls, when Andy cried, I just patted her back and sent her to Abby, but with Phoenix crying next to me I couldn't help but hug her and ensure she feels safe.
She composes herself after a few moments, "how selfish am I? Your family, your Sector is going to be murdered and I'm the one crying."
Is she crazy? "Selfish? Phoenix, you're risking your life for people you don't even know. Your life has been rainbows and butterfly's, you probably haven't had the best relationship with your mother, but no one could believe their mother is a killer. It's hard. I'm used to death, you're not."
To calm her down, we invite Carson over and watch a movie on the hologram.

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