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I heard the faint ringing of my alarm; It was as if it rang an hour ago and the hazy noise was just but a ghost of its former self, which when I opened my eyes and lazily looked over, I learned that it was. "Oh for fucks sake..." I quietly mumbled to myself when I saw a crumpled up note on my nightstand, meaning that I would probably have to get up instead of just staying in bed all day.

After about a minute of my inner conscience decided whether I should or not move from my comfortable position, I decided that getting up was probably for the better. When I dragged myself out of bed I went to grab the note, but stopped when I noticed my bandaged hand. "Oh, right." I breathed out before grabbing it with my other hand and heading through into the living room.

When I found a comfortable enough position on the sofa I flattened out the sheet of paper, reading it out 2 or 3 times.

"Dear Y/N,
Sorry if you're confused but you fell asleep last night and you didn't seem too comfy on top of me so I carried you to your bed. You should probably go to sleep earlier because you were out like a ROCK. I dropped you like 3 times so that might be the reason that you're confused— Eh, enough of that. I found the box by you're creepy stalker and I took it home with me (hope you don't mind)
- Sincerely but not really,
P.S. I made you a sandwich

P.S.S. I ate it and it was amazing

P.S.S.S. You don't have any good left so you should probably buy some."

I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling pretty bewildered by the whole thing. This fucker ate all of my food and stole my creepy box thing— I'LL HAVE TO GO GROCERY SHOPPING NOW AND I CAN'T EVEN DRIVE BECAUSE OF MY FUCKING HAND. I scrunched the paper back up and threw it somewhere behind me, honestly not giving a fuck anymore. "Maybe I can have a midnight walk at day, Y'know. Not had one of those in a while..."

🖤Time skip🖤

When I was finally ready I headed my way into the heart of the city, My hand shoved into my pocket as to not get looks from strangers. Let me tell you something.. That walk was a fucking treck. I leaned most of my weight on the shopping cart as to not put too much pressure on my already throbbing legs, But I almost fell when I realised I wasn't paying attention and almost ran into a kid.

"Oh shit..Are you okay!?" I gasped, Worryingly looking at the....rather odd looking child. "You should watch out, Señorita!! Wouldn't want anything bad to happen.." He cautioned, Looking up at me intently. "Right, Sorry....Uhm, Do you have any parents around?" I crouched down next to him. "Parents....PARENTS?! I am the Son of the Dark Prince, Child of Darkness, The Altar Boy of Doom, The Second Coming of Doom, The literal Anti-Christ! I don't need to have my parents around!! But I'm here with my mom, she's just getting milk."

I arched my eyebrow at him, feeling slightly disturbed. "So you're uh— You're Señor Diablo's son, huh?" He nodded. "Never figured him out to be a dad. Excuse my language but he's a bit of a dick" The child smiled. "Si, he is. He's never around and when he is he's too busy. I'm Pepito."

"Well Pepito, I'm Y/N. I've never actually met my dad before so I think I know how you feel. At least you have your Mom, right?" I reasoned, Trying to lighten the mood at least a little. "Yes, Yes. She's great. I hope she'll be proud of me." He said, His voice faltering slightly. I frowned, ruffling his hair before standing up. "Don't worry little guy. If she loves you then she'll always be proud— Just visit he every once and a while when you're older."

After a few more minutes of talking to the literal devil child, a very- and I mean very Christian looking woman came into the isle and grabbed Pepito's hand. She gave me a small smile and thanked me for keeping her son company before walking away...Yikes.

Although I was rather confused about what happened I continued my shopping which was really nothing more than me wondering around the store like a zombie snd only occasionally adding something to the cart. When I had actually decided that I had a sufficient amount of food, and also realised that there weren't any self checkouts, I reluctantly strolled up to a counter with a teenager that looks nothing less than a goth on acid.

"Yo, What happened to your hand?" They asked in a low tone, Swiping and scanning the items. "Oh- Nothing much. Just burned it while making tea I guess." I shrugged, just wanting to get out of there. They huffed, glancing up at me and then smirking, "Woah, You look like a corpse! What makeup do you use?"

I frowned, shifting uneasily. "Oh... I don't wear makeup, this is just my face." Their eyes widened for a second, but quickly covered that up by rolling them. "God, you could've said thanks. Your total is $32.50— Now fuck off."

Quickly scurrying out of the store with my bags hanging on my arms, I deleteriously opted to take the short route home... which also just so happened to be the bad part of town. All was going well, I mean I didn't see anyone else and I didn't feel too uncomfortable... or I didn't until a heavy feeling of uneasiness washed over me.

I whipped my head around, looking at any possible place where someone could hide, but alas, nothing. I squinted my eyes, slowly turning back sound only to be faced with an oh so familiar chest. I jumped back, letting out a small squeal when Johnny said a simple "Hi."

"Holy shit, man! What have I told you about doing that?!" I fumed, trying to keep my composure. He laughed, "I know, But that was too hilarious— how could I not? You looked like a deer in the headlights." I glared at him, shook my head and then walked away. "Still, It's not cool."

He caught up with me pretty quickly. "What're you doing out anyway? Shouldn't you be moping or something?" I shook my bead, not even looking at him, "Well I would probably be doing that but you ate like, all of my food." Johnny shrugged. "When did you get so pissy?"

"I've always been pissy. Now if you don't want me to become bat shit crazy then make yourself useful" I shoved some of the back into his chest which he took less than graciously.

"I really want to see that now."

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