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"...And then he started freaking out on me! I mean come on, cut me some slack here!" I stressed. Tess, the women in black currently bounded next to me chuckled. "At least your boyfriend isn't a complete dick." She glanced at her boyfriend, Dillon, who was also tied up on the opposite side of her, "But of course your situation was a little worse than mine. He seems like in interesting enough guy but.." I nodded in confirmation.

It had been maybe a few hours since the little spat with Johnny, and although everything is blurred I think I remember once again being hit across the head with a blunt object; the fact that I don't have brain damage is genuinely baffling to me, but I won't say it's a bad thing. Anyways, Johnny dragged me down to his creepy ass basement, restrained me and chucked me into a room with two kidnapped gothic nightmares. Tess, the generally nicer one, was a short academic. When we first saw each other only a few hours ago she talked about the few competent conversations that she had with Johnny and how he confused her more than scaring her. Next to her was her pseudo goth boyfriend, Dillon. He didn't really say much in between his drifting in and out of consciousness except from mindless babbling, but Tess said that he was in a band.

"I would think so. He's supposed to be some heroic, knight in shining armour type figure to me I guess, but instead he takes an off hand sentence his ex girlfriend said over the phone without context and ties me up in a cold ass basement in a wedding dress. Very romantic." I huffed, and the black haired woman hummed in response, "Hm, yeah definitely a complete dick then." She thought for a moment before adding, "It isn't all bad, really. If you think loud enough you can almost block out the sounds of horrifying screams below, and at least you've got company this time."

It's true, it really could've been worse than it is. If he hadn't "rescued" me then I would've had the blood of two people on my hands... I've got enough of that staining my mind in the first place. One good thing, though, is that I know he's safe. I was so worried, worried and angry. I suppose now he can't just leave since he's got that weird demon wall; Tess briefly mentioned that earlier and I had almost forgotten about it before she did. It's almost comforting in some weird way. He can't exactly hurt me more than he already has in the past and for all I know what he did destroyed him, or maybe that's just me thinking about it too much.

Like a ray of sunshine in the middle of a storm, Tess interrupted my thoughts, "Hey, you were pretty quiet for a minute there. Not sure how overwhelming this is for you but you look horrible, and I'm sorry because it's not an insult." Her tone was direct, but somehow soft at the same time. It was nice. "Try to sleep, I'll be quiet for you, and I'll make sure nobody interrupts you." I nodded at this with a sigh before trying and ultimately failing to shift my position, "Not like I've had a good sleep in a while anyway."

It was just cold for a while. Even with my eyes closed it didn't help me to sleep much, but I certainly tried.

I would be drifting, then there'd be a drip of water from god knows where.

I would be drifting, then I'd hear a disembodied scream from somewhere around me.

I would be drifting, then Dillon would wake up and have a fit for a few seconds before being knocked out cold- oh boy do I envy him.

There was a point where I wasn't really sure if I was asleep or not. I was just in the same position and time seemed to slow and then suddenly jump forward, so it's anyone's guess really. It was somewhat peaceful if I had to describe it. I wasn't lost in my own thoughts, rather being more confused that I wasn't. That, along with the dripping of the water must've masked the footsteps; not that they were loud in the first place. If you were fully aware of your surroundings it'd still be hard to hear them. Tess' breathing stifled, though I wasn't sure if it was because she was scared for herself or if it was for me.

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