Chapter 2

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Bruce stood with the receiver of the phone in his hand for a good while. He couldn't remember the last time Steve had called him for a personal matter. Maybe when the kids were born? That was...21 years ago in Kia's case? And even then it was a quick "Congrats, Mate". That was it. Bruce sighed and put the receiver back on it's base. He went to the living room where his family was watching a Dr. Who marathon. Griffin looked up at him, "Who was on the phone?" Bruce sat down on his favorite recliner, immediately being sat upon by Sufi. "Oh, it was just Steve." Bruce tried to make it seem as if the phone call didn't bother him. "Steve? As in 'Arry?" Austin asked. "Yes, Son. The one and only." Griffin chuckled, "What the fuck did he want? Was he worried that your cancer was going to get in the way of the mighty Iron Maiden's tour?" Griffin stood up, he started pacing the room, putting on his best Steve impersonation, "Fer focks sake Bruce! Why didju have to go and get cancer fer? Fockin' bollocks mate. Maiden comes first. She's my baby. Fock. As olways, ye only think about chaself. Ya foking cunt. Wot bout the focking tour?" Griffin had his whole family laughing. Kia wiped her eyes, "You sound just like him." Griffin smiled, "Well, if things don't work out with my band, I can be a Steve impersonator." Bruce smiled at his Son, "For once, Steve wasn't concerned about Maiden or the tour. He was concerned about me. He wanted me to get better, to spend time with you lot, and not think about Maiden in the least." Paddy stood up and sat on Bruce's lap, giving him a kiss on the cheek, "I knew that somewhere under that stone cold exterior, there was a kind hearted man, Steve isn't as tough as he likes to think he is." The Dickinson's sat around their living room, enjoying their time together before Bruce's upcoming treatment.
Steve took a deep breath once he hung up the phone. "Fuck, I can't believe I called him." he said to himself. He was usually a quiet man, kept to himself most of the times. He didn't interact much with the guys in the band unless they were on tour, even then, they pretty much went their own ways after the show. After almost 40 years together, there was no need of them being attached to the hip 24/7. Sometimes if the wives were there for a show, they'd all meet up for dinner, but even that was on a rare occasion. Steve went to his backyard, Emma was sunbathing near the pool. She looked up as Steve approached her. He sat down next to her, giving her a shy smile and a kiss. "Are you OK love?" she asked him, seeing the look of concern on his face. "I'm not sure. I'm worried about Bruce." Emma put the book she was reading down, she sat up from her lounge chair so she could look Steve in the eyes. "Bruce? What happened?" Steve grabbed Emma's hands. He couldn't bring himself to look her in the eyes, he knew he was going to get emotional again, he didn't want to seem vulnerable in front of her. Looking down at the ground, he took a deep breath and tried to steady his voice, "Bruce has...." he let go of her hands and ran one of his through his hair, "Bruce has...." Emma put both her hands on Steve's face, bringing his face up to look at her, "Steve, what's wrong with Bruce?" she saw the tears building up in his eyes. "Fuck..." he closed his eyes, tears streaming freely down his cheeks, "Em, Bruce has....cancer." Emma's eyes widened, "Bruce has cancer? What? Where?" Steve nodded his head, "It's in his throat and his head." Steve looked up at Emma, his eyes were red and swollen, he was openly crying now. "Love, what if I lose my mate? What if....what if my brother..." Steve took a deep breath, "what if he dies?" Emma wrapped her arms around Steve. "Darling, Bruce will beat its' ass. We all know that. If anyone is going to kick cancer's ass, it'll be him. Think positive." Steve nuzzled into her shoulder, "Everyone says Bruce is strong, and it's true. He's one of the strongest people I know. But cancer doesn't give a fuck Emma. Cancer doesn't care if you're strong. It'll still kill you." he pulled away from her and looked into her eyes, "I can't lose him again Em. This time it'll be for good. I can't lose Bruce for good. His voice will be silenced forever....I can't handle that."

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