Chapter 6

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Bruce sighed as he flipped through the channels on the TV. Daytime TV sucked. All the ads were about life insurance, how to get help with funeral costs, do you have cancer? we can help, blah...blah...blah...he turned it off and ran his hands through his face. He looked down at his shirt and noticed some hair on it, too short to be Sufi's. "Hmmm..." he thought to himself, "wonder where it came from." he rubbed his hand across his chin. He noticed something sprinkling on his shirt as he did so. Paying close attention this time, he realized what it was, his fucking beard was falling out. He was rubbing his hair off his chin. It wasn't falling out in clumps, it was more like he was dusting himself off. "Well fuck." he had grown his beard in protest, and cancer wouldn't even let him have that. He felt defeated. "I should just fucking give up. What's the point?" he thought to himself. "I can't fucking eat, I can't fucking drink, I can't fucking take two steps without running out of breath...and now I can't fucking grow a beard" he leaned back in his recliner, closing his eyes and letting out a shaky breath of air. "Even fucking breathing hurts." he said to himself. He heard Griffin coming into the TV room. Paddy wanted someone at the house at all times with Bruce. She didn't want him left alone in case he needed something or in case his side effects got so bad that he needed to be driven to the hospital. Bruce tried to argue with her. He didn't want to be babied, he didn't want to be someone's burden. But, she insisted, and, as usual, Paddy got what she wanted.

Bruce looked up at his youngest son and gave him a smile, "Hey Griff, how are you mate?" Griffin sat down on the couch next to Bruce, grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, "I'm alright Dad. Been better I suppose. But I'm sure you can say the same." he looked at Bruce and noticed the patches missing in his beard, "What happened to your beard, did you try to shave it and forgot how to?" Bruce chuckled at his son, the chuckle causing him to go into a coughing fit, "Fuck, Dad....are you OK?" Griffin stood up, ready to go to his Dad's side. Bruce put up a hand, letting him know he was OK. He grimaced from the pain caused from the fit, "Fuck, yes, I'm good. Just try to keep the smart remarks to a minimum. My beard fell out. I was running my hand across my face and it started falling out. At first I thought it was from Sufi sitting on my lap as he likes to do, but the hair was too short to be his. Turns out, it was mine." Griffin nodded, he didn't like what he was seeing. The man he saw in front of him was a shell of his Dad. "Dad, can we talk?" Bruce noticed the tone of concern in his son's voice, "Of course, what's wrong?" Griffin sighed, "Dad, I'm fucking scared for you. I know you don't like showing it, but I can tell you're hurting, I can tell this is fucking you up. Dad...." Griffin's eyes began to tear up, "Please beat this. I know I don't say it enough, I know I'm a pain in the ass and I drive you and Mum crazy, but I fucking love you." he stood up and wrapped his arms around Bruce, "I love you Dad." Bruce hugged his son tight, he was crying into his shoulder, "I love you too Griffin. I'll fucking beat this." he pulled away from his Son and looked him in the eyes, "I fucking promise you, Austin, Kia, and your Mum. I will fucking beat this." Griffin smiled at Bruce, "You fucking better."
Steve was in his study reading. It was 1 AM, but he wasn't tired. He usually stayed in the study reading or writing if he couldn't sleep, lately it was where he was cooped up. He heard a knock on the door, Emma poked her head in, "Steve, love, please come to bed. You need to get some rest." Steve looked up at his partner and smiled, "I will, I've just been reading, didn't want to keep you awake." Emma walked into the den and sat on the desk next to Steve. He closed the book and looked up at her, "I'm sorry Em", he gave her a shy smile, "I'm sorry I've been so distracted for the last couple of weeks." Emma took the book from his hands, "Never Fear Cancer Again". She looked at Steve and frowned, "Love, isn't this the book you bought Bruce? You need to stop letting his cancer take over your life. I know he's your mate. But Steve", she put the book down and grabbed his hands, "he's the one fighting the battle, not you. What good are you going to be to him if you make yourself sick worrying about him?" Emma slid down from the desk and slid between Steve's legs, so that she was eye level with him, "Please Steve, let Bruce fight his own battle. If he knew what you were doing, he'd be cross at you." Steve pulled Emma onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a deep kiss, "You're right, I'm just scared for him and his family." Emma brushed a wild curl behind his ear, "We all are, but right now they need our support. Please, promise me not to obsess over this." Steve closed his eyes as he rested his head on Emma's chest, "I can't promise you that, but I will try." Emma smiled as she ran her hand through his hair, "That'll do. Thank you darling."

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