A godly visit

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(Your POV)

I wake up only to open my eyes to see two people standing looking at me.

???: whis he's awake... finally, making a god of destruction wait

Whis: lord beerus he isn't as bad as you are

Beerus: whis!... whatever

You: why are you here?!?

Whis: we need to train you for 9 months

You: cant

Whis: why not?

You: gines pregnant

Whis: with who?

Beerus: obviously cant be him whis, no one in there right mind would date hi-

You: me and gine are dating....

Beerus: oh....

Whis: hohoho lord beerus that was just mean

You: what ever i cant go

Whis: what if i speed the process

You: you can do that but i'm not going

Whis: alright come with me

You: wait what

Whis: come with me

As beerus and whis walk out i grab a shirt and follow them.

You: what are we doing?

I say as i put on my shirt.

Whis: where is gine?

You: in RWBYs dorm she was spending the weekend in there

Whis then knocks on RWBYs door as i see where we are, ruby then opens the door to see whis and beerus along with me looking confused.

Ruby: (y/n) whos this?

You: this is whis and the god of destruction beerus

Ruby then looks at beerus.

Ruby: hi kitty cat i bet your whis

Beerus: ....

You: beerus calm the fuck down

Whis: lord beerus she lives on remnant not many know of you

Beerus: whatever

Whis: hello we are here to see gine

Beerus: yes where is she

You: what the fuck are we doing???

Whis: patience young one

Ruby: shes in here

Whis: may we please come in?

Ruby: yeah sure

She then steps to the side as they walk in with me behind them.

Gine: whis? Cat god beerus? Oh hey (y/n)!

Beerus: im not a cat

Whis: but lord beerus you sure look like one

You: what the fuck are we doing here?

Whis: if you'd be quiet and watch i'd show you

Gine: what are you doing here whis?

Whis walks up to her as his staff starts glowing, along with gines stomach as something starts to form above her.

You: wait didn't you do this for...

As he said that a baby appeared above that looks like if Vegeta went ssj3 but had black hair and kept his eye brows and eye color but a baby, and cute.

You: whis you didn't

Whis: but i did say hello to your son (y/n), gine

Ruby: a baby! Wait you were pregnant and dating (y/n)? A baby!!!

Gine: i-i'm a mother....

You: i'm a father....

Whis: congratulations

Beerus: he looks like a mistake

You: says the mistake

Beerus: do you want to die?

You: do you want me to go getes on your cat ass?

Gine: (y/n)! No cussing in front of radditz and no fighting gods, you'll lose.

You: fine

Yang: congratulations gine!

Blake: yes... congrats...

Weiss: congratulations i suppose

Ruby: a cute little baby!!!

You: I can't believe it...

Beerus: you being a father. I feel bad for the kid.

I walk over to gine who is holding radditz as she hugs me and i hug back.

Whis: now will you come train?

You: no now i actually have a child

Whis: very well then, good bye (y/n)

You: good bye whis maybe next time

Whis then nods as they then disappear and i look at radditz again.

You: i can't believe im actually a father....

Abused and neglected bardock male reader x Gine (RWBY and Dragon ball fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now