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Cecile goes to the Jason room

Cecile:jason is time to eat are you ready yet

She oepn the door

Cecile:I mean is bad education to keep......

Jason:uhh hey sorry about is just about to finish and

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Jason:uhh hey sorry about is just about to finish and.... Are you okay?

Cecile:ooh~ jajajaja~ soo sexi~

Jason:uhh Cecile?

Cecile get close to him as close the door with her foot

Cecile:let me wrap my arm aroud your dear~

Jason:*stand back*uhhh Cecile?

Cecile:it will be fine~

The camera point to the door

Jason:oi Cecile.. CELICE! STOP!

Good thing the wall. Are soundproof becasue they could hear more sound from... "they activites"

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