Chapter one: Katakuri's paradise

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"Could you pass me the sugar, honey?" The most beautiful person to have ever lived, well in the eyes of one of the most fearful people ever alive, asked to his lover. The male complied and handed his wife the sugar with no hesitation.

His wife was making him donuts after all. He and Katakuri had been married for two years and they wanted nothing to change, their lives were perfect.

"Honey? Are you alright? You seem very spaced out" Katakuri snaped out of his thoughts when a very delicate small hand was placed on his arm. His wife was very small in comparison to Katakuri, but he was small in terms of height in any way, coming close to 1,60 meters.

"I'm fine my dear, just thinking about us" Katakuri replied as he placed his own hand over his wife's.

"I never thought I would be happy like this, I always thought my father would marry me off to some high noble or something" He said with a smile. Katakuri, who wasn't wearing his scarf smiled aswell.

"I admit I never thought my wife would be so gorgeous" Katakuri says and placed his hands gently on his wife's hips.

"And I never thought my husband would be so handsome... I love you, Katakuri" He said and wrapped his arms around Katakuri's neck.

"I love you too, Kazumi" Katakuri said and leaned in. Kazumi did the same and together they shared a soft kiss. Katakuri had always been a tough and serious male, with an appearance that said don't fuck with me. However  when Katakuri kissed or held or did anything with Kazumi, he would always be very gentle.

"I *peck* would *peck* love *peck* to *peck* continue *peck* this, but *peck* I *peck* really *peck* need *peck* to *peck* finish *peck* those *peck* donuts" Kazumi said in between kisses. Katakuri grumbled a bit, but let go off his wife. Kazumi giggled a little at Katakuri's disgruntled face.

"Don't worry honey, I will give you all of my attention after I finished making the donuts" Kazumi said and returned to making the donuts. Katakuri sat on a chair that was sitting by the kitchen isle. He could never get enough of the sight of his wife making the best donuts he's ever tasted. Katakuri could practically taste  the donuts and he couldn't wait for them to be finished.

There was only one thing he loved more than donuts and that was his wife. His wife was the most beautiful and delicious 😏 person he had ever met and tasted. He wasn't like his brothers, who had slept around with whoever they found good enough. He was patient and waited for a person he thought was perfect and he had found them, in the form of Kazumi.

Kazumi was everything he had ever wanted. He was beautiful, smart, kind, caring, a great baker and cook, he was brave and had courage at certain times. I probably forgot to mention that Kazumi is the son of a powerful race, but he hides those looks behind the one he has now. Kazumi was perfect and in all honesty Katakuri and him had never done anything other than kiss and cuddle. Katakuri was afraid to hurt him, even though Kazumi promised that Katakuri could never hurt him, Katakuri didn't want to risk it.

It had taken everything in his power to hold back. Katakuri, so far, had protected Kazumi against everything and everybody, but he was afraid that he couldn't hold himself back any longer. His wife was just so very tempting. Especially today, considering today was their lazy day, which ment no work or orders and nobody to bother them.

Kazumi and Katakuri were still dressed in their pj's

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Kazumi and Katakuri were still dressed in their pj's. Katakuri's consisted of his striped pj pants, while Kazumi had taken it upon himself to steal Katakuri's matching shirt.

"-ri... Katakuri... Katakuri!" Katakuri snapped out of his very exciting daydream as he heard his wife's concerned voice in his ears. He looked at Kazumi and his heart nearly shattered. Kazumi was in tears as his face only said concern and worry.

"I've been calling you for the past five minutes!! A-and... And you d-d-didn... Didn't respond!! I got s-scared" Kazumi said. Katakuri snapped out of it completely and quickly wrapped his arms around his wife.

"I'm sorry!" Katakuri said and embraced Kazumi tightly. Kazumi embraced Katakuri back and they stayed like that for a minute or two.

"Don't scare me like that" Kazumi mumbled, but Katakuri heard him clearly. Katakuri nodded wordlessly. Kazumi took a deep breath and pulled himself out of the hug, his cheeks had dry tears stains on them and his eyes were a little red. He then gave a little smile.

"Your donuts are ready" Kazumi said and sniffled a little. Katakuri then took notice of the quite large batch of donuts, but he didn't care for them. He just wanted to make sure Kazumi was alright.

"I don't care for them right now, I need you to be okay. That's all I want" Katakuri said and pulled Kazumi in for another embrace. Katakuri burried his face in Kazumi's neck and placed a kiss on it, causing Kazumi to giggle from the ticklish feeling. Katakuri smiled at the sound of Kazumi's giggle and continued to kiss his neck. Kazumi continued to giggle at the feeling and it eventually turned into laughter.

"K-katakuri... That tickles!" Kazumi said and at that exact moment Katakuri started to tickle Kazumi's sides, causing Kazumi to laugh even louder. However Katakuri stopped tickling and Kazumi stopped laughing when they heard a loud slam near the entrance of the house. Katakuri looked at Kazumi with seriousness.

"Stay here" He said and stood up placing Kazumi on the floor. He grabbed his scarf and wrapped it around his neck, making sure to cover his mouth. He was about to walk out of the kitchen, but was stopped by a soft voice.

"Please stay safe"

"I will, don't worry" Katakuri said and walked out of the kitchen gently closing the door behind him.

My beautiful wife (Katakuri x male oc)Where stories live. Discover now